The long war and parental combat deployment: Effects on military children and at-home spouses P Lester, K Peterson, J Reeves, L Knauss, D Glover, C Mogil, N Duan, ... Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 49 (4), 310-320, 2010 | 756 | 2010 |
Mechanisms of risk and resilience in military families: Theoretical and empirical basis of a family-focused resilience enhancement program WR Saltzman, P Lester, WR Beardslee, CM Layne, K Woodward, ... Clinical child and family psychology review 14, 213-230, 2011 | 413 | 2011 |
Family systems and ecological perspectives on the impact of deployment on military families B Paley, P Lester, C Mogil Clinical child and family psychology review 16, 245-265, 2013 | 326 | 2013 |
How wartime military service affects children and families P Lester, E Flake The Future of Children, 121-141, 2013 | 272 | 2013 |
Evaluation of a family-centered prevention intervention for military children and families facing wartime deployments P Lester, WR Saltzman, K Woodward, D Glover, GA Leskin, B Bursch, ... American Journal of Public Health 102 (S1), S48-S54, 2012 | 251 | 2012 |
Families overcoming under stress: Implementing family-centered prevention for military families facing wartime deployments and combat operational stress P Lester, C Mogil, W Saltzman, K Woodward, W Nash, G Leskin, B Bursch, ... Military medicine 176 (1), 19-25, 2011 | 213 | 2011 |
Enhancing family resilience through family narrative co-construction WR Saltzman, RS Pynoos, P Lester, CM Layne, WR Beardslee Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 16, 294-310, 2013 | 178 | 2013 |
The impact of deployment on parental, family and child adjustment in military families P Lester, H Aralis, M Sinclair, C Kiff, KH Lee, S Mustillo, SMD Wadsworth Child Psychiatry & Human Development 47, 938-949, 2016 | 165 | 2016 |
Spouse psychological well-being: A keystone to military family health S Green, PS Nurius, P Lester Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 23 (6), 753-768, 2013 | 162 | 2013 |
Impact of parentification on long‐term outcomes among children of parents with HIV/AIDS JA Stein, MJ ROTHERAM‐BORUS, P Lester Family process 46 (3), 317-333, 2007 | 162 | 2007 |
Families living with HIV MJ Rotheram-Borus, D Flannery, E Rice, P Lester Aids Care 17 (8), 978-987, 2005 | 159 | 2005 |
Psychological health of military children: Longitudinal evaluation of a family-centered prevention program to enhance family resilience P Lester, JA Stein, W Saltzman, K Woodward, SW MacDermid, N Milburn, ... Military medicine 178 (8), 838-845, 2013 | 157 | 2013 |
When the time comes to talk about HIV: factors associated with diagnostic disclosure and emotional distress in HIV-infected children P Lester, M Chesney, M Cooke, R Weiss, P Whalley, B Perez, D Glidden, ... JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 31 (3), 309-317, 2002 | 139 | 2002 |
Adolescent adjustment before and after HIV-related parental death. MJ Rotheram-Borus, R Weiss, S Alber, P Lester Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 73 (2), 221, 2005 | 136 | 2005 |
Evaluation of a family-centered preventive intervention for military families: Parent and child longitudinal outcomes P Lester, LJ Liang, N Milburn, C Mogil, K Woodward, W Nash, H Aralis, ... Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 55 (1), 14-24, 2016 | 130 | 2016 |
Adapting and implementing a school-based resilience-building curriculum among low-income racial and ethnic minority students R Ijadi-Maghsoodi, L Marlotte, E Garcia, H Aralis, P Lester, P Escudero, ... Contemporary school psychology 21, 223-239, 2017 | 129 | 2017 |
Six-year intervention outcomes for adolescent children of parents with the human immunodeficiency virus MJ Rotheram-Borus, M Lee, YY Lin, P Lester Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 158 (8), 742-748, 2004 | 125 | 2004 |
Family-centered preventive intervention for military families: Implications for implementation science W Beardslee, P Lester, L Klosinski, W Saltzman, K Woodward, W Nash, ... Prevention Science 12, 339-348, 2011 | 124 | 2011 |
Approaching family-focused systems of care for military and veteran families SMD Wadsworth, P Lester, C Marini, S Cozza, J Sornborger, T Strouse, ... Military Behavioral Health 1 (1), 31-40, 2013 | 105 | 2013 |
The consequences of a positive prenatal HIV antibody test for women P Lester, JC Partridge, MA Chesney, M Cooke JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 10 (3), 341-349, 1995 | 104 | 1995 |