Dr. Marc Spicker
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Cited by
Document cards: A top trumps visualization for documents
H Strobelt, D Oelke, C Rohrdantz, A Stoffel, DA Keim, O Deussen
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 15 (6), 1145-1152, 2009
Rolled‐out wordles: A heuristic method for overlap removal of 2d data representatives
H Strobelt, M Spicker, A Stoffel, D Keim, O Deussen
Computer Graphics Forum 31 (3pt3), 1135-1144, 2012
Weighted linde-buzo-gray stippling
O Deussen, M Spicker, Q Zheng
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 36 (6), 1-12, 2017
Neural networks for the classification of building use from street-view imagery
D Laupheimer, P Tutzauer, N Haala, M Spicker
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information …, 2018
Woodification: User‐controlled cambial growth modeling
J Kratt, M Spicker, A Guayaquil, M Fiser, S Pirk, O Deussen, JC Hart, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 34 (2), 361-372, 2015
Interactive Visualization for Real-time Public Transport Journey Planning.
J Krause, M Spicker, L Wörteler, M Schäfer, L Zhang, H Strobelt
Sigrad 81, 95-98, 2012
Interactive testbed for research in autism—the SARA project
D Arellano, R Rauh, B Krautheim, M Spicker, UM Schaller, V Helzle, ...
Universal Access in the Information Society 17, 21-36, 2018
Stippling of 2D scalar fields
J Görtler, M Spicker, C Schulz, D Weiskopf, O Deussen
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25 (6), 2193-2204, 2019
Quantifying visual abstraction quality for stipple drawings
M Spicker, F Hahn, T Lindemeier, D Saupe, O Deussen
Proceedings of the Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, 1-10, 2017
Depth-aware coherent line drawings
M Spicker, J Kratt, D Arellano, O Deussen
SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Technical Briefs, 1-5, 2015
Artistic composition for painterly rendering
T Lindemeier, M Spicker, O Deussen
Emotion recognition in autism spectrum disorder: does stylization help?
M Spicker, D Arellano, U Schaller, R Rauh, V Helzle, O Deussen
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, 97-104, 2016
Quantifying Visual Abstraction Quality for Computer-Generated Illustrations
M Spicker, F Götz-Hahn, T Lindemeier, D Saupe, O Deussen
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 16 (1), 5, 2019
On the trail of facial processing in autism spectrum disorders
D Arellano, UM Schaller, R Rauh, V Helzle, M Spicker, O Deussen
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 15th International Conference, IVA 2015, Delft …, 2015
Structure-aware stylization of mountainous terrains
J Kratt, F Eisenkeil, M Spicker, Y Wang, D Weiskopf, O Deussen
Interactive Testbed for Research in Autism: the SARA Project
D Allerano, R Rauh, B Krautheim, M Spicker, UM Schaller, V Helzle, ...
Quantitative Models for Visual Abstraction
M Spicker
antifying Visual Abstraction ality for Stipple Drawings
M Spicker, F Hahn, T Lindemeier, D Saupe, O Deussen
The SARA Project: An Interactive Sandbox for Research on Autism
D Arellano, V Helzle, UM Schaller, R Rauh, M Spicker, O Deussen
Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Human Computer …, 2015
A Stress Model for Simulating Tree Bark Development
M Spicker
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Articles 1–20