parimal kulkarni
parimal kulkarni
Scientific Officer, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
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Experimental study on bubble departure characteristics in subcooled nucleate pool boiling
P Goel, AK Nayak, PP Kulkarni, JB Joshi
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 89, 163-176, 2017
Measurement of volumetric thermal expansion coefficient of various nanofluids
AK Nayak, RK Singh, PP Kulkarni
Technical Physics Letters 36, 696-698, 2010
A numerical and experimental study of water ingression phenomena in melt pool coolability
AK Nayak, RK Singh, PP Kulkarni, BR Sehgal
Nuclear Engineering and Design 239 (7), 1285-1293, 2009
Experimental investigation of coolability behaviour of irregularly shaped particulate debris bed
PP Kulkarni, M Rashid, R Kulenovic, AK Nayak
Nuclear Engineering and Design 240 (10), 3067-3077, 2010
Study on coolability of melt pool with different strategies
PP Kulkarni, AK Nayak
Nuclear Engineering and Design 270, 379-388, 2014
Study on heat removal capability of calandria vault water from molten corium in calandria vessel during severe accident of a PHWR
SV Prasad, AK Nayak, PP Kulkarni, PK Vijayan, KK Vaze
Nuclear Engineering and Design 284, 130-142, 2015
Role of passive safety features in prevention and mitigation of severe plant conditions in indian advanced heavy water reactor
V Jain, AK Nayak, M Dhiman, PP Kulkarni, PK Vijayan, KK Vaze
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 45 (5), 625-636, 2013
Experimental investigation on melt coolability under bottom flooding with and without decay heat simulation
N Singh, PP Kulkarni, AK Nayak
Nuclear Engineering and Design 285, 48-57, 2015
Thermal and structural analysis of calandria vessel of a PHWR during a severe accident
PP Kulkarni, SV Prasad, AK Nayak, PK Vijayan
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 45 (4), 469-476, 2013
Thermal expansion characteristics of Al2O3 nanofluids: More to understand than understood
AK Nayak, RK Singh, PP Kulkarni
Applied Physics Letters 94 (9), 2009
Experimental Investigation of Melt Coolability Under Bottom Injection: Effects of Melt Volume, Melt Composition, Nozzle Diameter, and Inlet Pressure
N Singh, AK Nayak, PP Kulkarni
Nuclear Technology 198 (3), 306-318, 2017
Study on the transient and stability behaviour of a boiling two-phase natural circulation loop with Al2O3 nanofluids
AK Nayak, PP Kulkarni, PK Vijayan
Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (10), 1673-1681, 2011
Experimental investigation of melt coolability and ablation behavior of oxidic sacrificial material at prototypic conditions in scaled down core catcher
SS Munot, G V, PP Kulkarni, AK Nayak
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 5 (4), 041206, 2019
Experimental & analytical study of passive thermal sensing system developed for cooling water injection into AHWR core catcher
T Sultan, MK Sapra, S Kundu, AV Kadam, PP Kulkarni, AR Rao
Nuclear Engineering and Design 322, 81-91, 2017
A simple model to understand physics of melt coolability under bottom flooding
PP Kulkarni, AK Nayak
Nuclear Engineering and Design 262, 81-87, 2013
Physics of coolability of top flooded molten corium
PP Kulkarni, RK Singh, AK Nayak, PK Vijayan, D Saha, RK Sinha
Quenching of a heated rod: Physical phenomena, heat transfer, and effect of nanofluids
A Dasgupta, AS Chinchole, PP Kulkarni, DK Chandraker, AK Nayak
Journal of Heat Transfer 138 (12), 122401, 2016
Experimental investigation of quenching behavior of heated zircaloy rod in accidental condition of nuclear reactor with water and water based nanofluids
AS Chinchole, PP Kulkarni, AK Nayak
Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика 7 (3), 528-533, 2016
Exploring the use of alumina nanofluid as emergency coolant for nuclear fuel bundle
AS Chinchole, A Dasgupta, PP Kulkarni, DK Chandraker, AK Nayak
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 11 (2), 021007, 2019
Experimental Investigation on Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux with Nanofluids
AK Nayak, PP Kulkarni, AS Chinchole
Journal of Nanofluids 4 (2), 140-146, 2015
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Articles 1–20