Rachel Dianiska
Rachel Dianiska
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Cited by
Enhancing cooperation and disclosure by manipulating affiliation and developing rapport in investigative interviews.
L Brimbal, RE Dianiska, JK Swanner, CA Meissner
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 25 (2), 107, 2019
Evaluating the benefits of a rapport-based approach to investigative interviews: A training study with law enforcement investigators.
L Brimbal, CA Meissner, SM Kleinman, EL Phillips, DJ Atkinson, ...
Law and Human Behavior 45 (1), 55, 2021
Developing diagnostic, evidence-based approaches to interrogation
JK Swanner, CA Meissner, DJ Atkinson, RE Dianiska
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 5 (3), 295-301, 2016
Using disclosure, common ground, and verification to build rapport and elicit information.
RE Dianiska, JK Swanner, L Brimbal, CA Meissner
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 27 (3), 341, 2021
Conceptual priming and context reinstatement: A test of direct and indirect interview techniques.
RE Dianiska, JK Swanner, L Brimbal, CA Meissner
Law and human behavior 43 (2), 131, 2019
Enhancing the effectiveness of contact tracing interviews: A randomized controlled experiment of an enhanced cognitive interview protocol
JR Evans, HR Dawson, H Chae, D Goldfarb, RP Fisher, RE Dianiska, ...
American Journal of Infection Control 50 (6), 631-637, 2022
The reciprocal nature of lying and memory: Memory confabulation and diagnostic cues to deception
RE Dianiska, DK Cash, SM Lane, CA Meissner
The Palgrave handbook of deceptive communication, 347-365, 2019
Circuit world: a multiplayer VE for researching engineering learning
J Rozell, J Stonewall, S Vacura, H Lawrence, J Loseke, M Greiner, ...
2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and …, 2021
The effect of statement type and repetition on deception detection
DK Cash, RE Dianiska, SM Lane
Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 4, 1-11, 2019
Rapport building with adolescents to enhance reporting and disclosure
RE Dianiska, E Simpson, JA Quas
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 238, 105799, 2024
The effect of lying on memory and metamemory when deception is repeated and volitional.
RE Dianiska, CA Meissner
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 12 (1), 128, 2023
Current investigator practices and beliefs on interviewing trafficked minors.
RE Dianiska, S Luna, KMH Winks, JA Quas, AD Redlich
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 29 (1), 32, 2023
Successful criminal prosecutions of sex trafficking and sexual abuse of minors: a comparative analysis
JA Quas, S Mukhopadhyay, KMH Winks, RE Dianiska, TD Lyon
Child maltreatment 28 (3), 500-516, 2023
& Jones, MS (2021). Evaluating the benefits of a rapport-based approach to investigative interviews: A training study with law enforcement investigators
L Brimbal, CA Meissner, SM Kleinman, EL Phillips, DJ Atkinson, ...
Law and human behavior 45 (1), 55, 0
Examining investigator strategies for questioning suspected minor victims of sex trafficking
S Luna, RE Dianiska, KMH Winks, AD Redlich, JA Quas
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 38 (4), 813-825, 2023
A process perspective: The importance of theory in eyewitness identification research
RE Dianiska, KD Manley, CA Meissner
Methods, measures, and theories in eyewitness identification tasks, 136-168, 2021
Do You Need to Travel? Mapping Face-to-Face Communication Objectives to Technology Affordances
RE Dianiska, CJ Peasley, N Wilson, N Barnett, L Hammel, B Purdy, P Wu, ...
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 64 (1 …, 2020
The effect of credibility assessment techniques on consistency and subsequent memory for the truth
RE Dianiska, CA Meissner
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1184055, 2023
Adolescent victims and witnesses: disclosures, memory, and suggestibility
J Wyman, R Dianiska, H Henderson, LC Malloy
Urgent issues and prospects on investigative interviews with children and adolescents
V Talwar, AM Crossman, S Block, S Brubacher, R Dianiska, ...
Legal and Criminological Psychology, 2024
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Articles 1–20