Geoff While
Geoff While
Senior Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, University of Tasmania,
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Regulatory changes in pterin and carotenoid genes underlie balanced color polymorphisms in the wall lizard
P Andrade, C Pinho, GP i de Lanuza, S Afonso, J Brejcha, CJ Rubin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 116, 5633-5642, 2019
Climate-driven population divergence in sex-determining systems
I Pen, T Uller, B Feldmeyer, A Harts, GM While, E Wapstra
Nature 468 (7322), 436-438, 2010
Sexual selection drives asymmetric introgression in wall lizards
GM While, S Michaelides, RJP Heathcote, HEA MacGregor, N Zajac, ...
Ecology Letters 18 (12), 1366-1375, 2015
Maternal care in a social lizard: links between female aggression and offspring fitness
DL Sinn, GM While, E Wapstra
Animal Behaviour 76 (4), 1249-1257, 2008
Giving offspring a head start in life: field and experimental evidence for selection on maternal basking behaviour in lizards
E Wapstra, T Uller, GM While, M Olsson, R Shine
Journal of evolutionary biology 23 (3), 651-657, 2010
Patterns of developmental plasticity in response to incubation temperature in reptiles
GM While, DWA Noble, T Uller, DA Warner, JL Riley, WG Du, LE Schwanz
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A Ecological Genetics and Physiology …, 2018
Quo vadis amphibia? Global warming and breeding phenology in frogs, toads and salamanders
GM While, T Uller
Ecography 37 (10), 921-929, 2014
Family conflict and the evolution of sociality in reptiles
GM While, T Uller, E Wapstra
Behavioral Ecology 20 (2), 245-250, 2009
Female aggression predicts mode of paternity acquisition in a social lizard
GM While, DL Sinn, E Wapstra
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1664), 2021-2029, 2009
Sociality in Lizards
MJ Whiting, GM While
Comparative Social Evolution, 390-426, 2017
Live bearing promotes the evolution of sociality in reptiles
B Halliwell, T Uller, B Holland, GM While
Nature Communications 8, 2030, 2017
The diversity of population responses to environmental change
F Colchero, OR Jones, DA Conde, D Hodgson, P Zajitschek, BR Schmidt, ...
Ecology Letters 22 (2), 342-353, 2019
Repeatable intra-individual variation in plasma testosterone concentration and its sex-specific link to aggression in a social lizard
GM While, C Isaksson, J McEvoy, DL Sinn, J Komdeur, E Wapstra, ...
Hormones and Behavior 58 (2), 208-213, 2010
Extensive introgression and mosaic genomes of Mediterranean endemic lizards
W Yang, N Feiner, C Pinho, GM While, A Kaliontzopoulou, DJ Harris, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 1-8, 2021
Adaptive responses to cool climate promotes persistence of a non-native lizard
GM While, J Williamson, G Prescott, T Horváthová, B Fresnillo, NJ Beeton, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1803), 20142638, 2015
Plasticity of thermoregulatory behaviour in response to the thermal environment by widespread and highland reptile species
A Caldwell, GM While, E Wapstra
Animal Behaviour 132, 217-227, 2017
Within‐population variation in social strategies characterize the social and mating system of an Australian lizard, Egernia whitii
GM While, T Uller, E Wapstra
Austral Ecology 34 (8), 938-949, 2009
The scent of sun worship: basking experience alters scent mark composition in male lizards
RJP Heathcote, E Bell, P d’Ettorre, GM While, T Uller
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68, 861-870, 2014
Widespread primary, but geographically restricted secondary, human introductions of wall lizards, Podarcis muralis
SN Michaelides, GM While, N Zajac, T Uller
Molecular Ecology 24 (11), 2702-2714, 2015
Introduction pathway and climate trump ecology and life history as predictors of establishment success in alien frogs and toads
A Rago, GM While, T Uller
Ecology and evolution 2 (7), 1437-1445, 2012
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Articles 1–20