Núria Planas
Cited by
Cited by
Modelo para el análisis didáctico en educación matemática
V Font, N Planas, JD Godino
Journal for the Study of Education and Development 33 (1), 89-105, 2010
Teaching mathematics in multilingual classrooms
N Gorgorió, N Planas
Educational studies in mathematics 47 (1), 7-33, 2001
Matemática inclusiva: propuestas para una educación matemática accesible
ÁA i Pastells
Narcea Ediciones, 2008
Participation in the mathematics classroom: Does every student have a voice?
M Civil, N Planas
For the learning of mathematics 24 (1), 7-12, 2004
Bilingual students using their languages in the learning of mathematics
N Planas, M Setati
Mathematics Education Research Journal 21 (3), 36-59, 2009
On the process of gaining language as a resource in mathematics education
N Planas, M Setati-Phakeng
ZDM 46, 883-893, 2014
Language as resource: A key notion for understanding the complexity of mathematics learning
N Planas
Educational Studies in Mathematics 98 (3), 215-229, 2018
One speaker, two languages: Learning opportunities in the mathematics classroom
N Planas
Educational Studies in Mathematics 87 (1), 51-66, 2014
Mathematics education and language diversity: The 21st ICMI Study
R Barwell, P Clarkson, A Halai, M Kazima, J Moschkovich, N Planas, ...
Springer Nature, 2016
Language-as-resource and language-as-political: Tensions in the bilingual mathematics classroom
N Planas, M Civil
Mathematics Education Research Journal 25, 361-378, 2013
Are different students expected to learn norms differently in the mathematics classroom?
N Planas, N Gorgorió
Mathematics Education Research Journal 16 (1), 19-40, 2004
Mathematics education and language: Lessons and directions from two decades of research
N Planas, C Morgan, M Schütte
Developing research in mathematics education, 196-210, 2018
Educación matemática y buenas prácticas
N Planas, A Alsina
Ed. GRAO, Barcelona, 2009
Working with mathematics teachers and immigrant students: An empowerment perspective
N Planas, M Civil
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 12, 391-409, 2009
Immigrant parents’ perspectives on their children’s mathematics education
M Civil, N Planas, B Quintos
ZDM 37, 81-89, 2005
Immigrant children learning mathematics in mainstream schools
N Gorgorió, N Planas, X Vilella
Transitions between contexts of mathematical practices, 23-52, 2002
Didáctica de las matemáticas
JM Goñi, F Corbalán, J Giménez, I López-Goñi, S Llenares, MC Penalva, ...
Graó, 2011
Survey team on: Conceptualisation of the role of competencies, knowing and knowledge in mathematics education research
M Niss, R Bruder, N Planas, R Turner, JA Villa-Ochoa
ZDM 48, 611-632, 2016
Social representations as mediators of mathematics learning in multiethnic classrooms
N Gorgorió, N Planas
European journal of Psychology of Education 20 (1), 91-104, 2005
Mathematical learning in a context of play
M Edo, N Planas, E Badillo
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 17 (3), 325-341, 2009
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Articles 1–20