Lucia Happe
Cited by
Cited by
Supporting swift reaction: Automatically uncovering performance problems by systematic experiments
A Wert, J Happe, L Happe
2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 552-561, 2013
View-based model-driven software development with ModelJoin
E Burger, J Henss, M Küster, S Kruse, L Happe
Software & Systems Modeling 15, 473-496, 2016
Effective measures to foster girls’ interest in secondary computer science education: A literature review
L Happe, B Buhnova, A Koziolek, I Wagner
Education and Information Technologies 26, 2811-2829, 2021
Evaluating maintainability with code metrics for model-to-model transformations
L Kapová, T Goldschmidt, S Becker, J Henss
Research into Practice–Reality and Gaps: 6th International Conference on the …, 2010
Survivability evaluation of gas, water and electricity infrastructures
A Avritzer, L Carnevali, H Ghasemieh, L Happe, BR Haverkort, A Koziolek, ...
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 310, 5-25, 2015
Statistical inference of software performance models for parametric performance completions
J Happe, D Westermann, K Sachs, L Kapová
International Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures, 20-35, 2010
Frustrations steering women away from software engineering
L Happe, B Buhnova
IEEE Software 39 (4), 63-69, 2021
An empirical study on the perception of metamodel quality
G Hinkel, M Kramer, E Burger, M Strittmatter, L Happe
2016 4th International conference on model-driven engineering and software …, 2016
Assessing survivability of smart grid distribution network designs accounting for multiple failures
DS Menasché, A Avritzer, S Suresh, RM Leão, E de Souza e Silva, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 26 (12), 1949-1974, 2014
Survivability models for the assessment of smart grid distribution automation network designs
A Avritzer, S Suresh, DS Menasché, RMM Leão, E de Souza e Silva, ...
Proceedings of the 4th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance …, 2013
Automated feature model-based generation of refinement transformations
L Kapova, T Goldschmidt
2009 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2009
Assessing survivability to support power grid investment decisions
A Koziolek, A Avritzer, S Suresh, DS Menasché, M Diniz, ES e Silva, ...
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 155, 30-43, 2016
State dependence in performance evaluation of component-based software systems
L Kapova, B Buhnova, A Martens, J Happe, R Reussner
Proceedings of the first joint WOSP/SIPEW international conference on …, 2010
Survivability analysis of power distribution in smart grids with active and reactive power modeling
DS Menasché, RM Meri Leäo, E de Souza e Silva, A Avritzer, S Suresh, ...
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 40 (3), 53-57, 2012
Stateful component-based performance models
L Happe, B Buhnova, R Reussner
Software & Systems Modeling 13, 1319-1343, 2014
Girl-friendly computer science classroom: Czechitas experience report
B Buhnova, L Happe
Software Architecture: 14th European Conference, ECSA 2020 Tracks and …, 2020
Application of advanced model-driven techniques in performance engineering
L Kapova, R Reussner
European Performance Engineering Workshop, 17-36, 2010
Engaging girls in computer science: Do single-gender interdisciplinary classes help?
K Marquardt, I Wagner, L Happe
2023 IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2023
Interactive visual analytics for efficient maintenance of model transformations
A Rentschler, Q Noorshams, L Happe, R Reussner
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations: 6th International Conference …, 2013
Designing information hiding modularity for model transformation languages
A Rentschler, D Werle, Q Noorshams, L Happe, R Reussner
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Modularity, 217-228, 2014
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Articles 1–20