Multidimensional knapsack problems H Kellerer, U Pferschy, D Pisinger, H Kellerer, U Pferschy, D Pisinger Knapsack problems, 235-283, 2004 | 4628 | 2004 |
An algorithmic framework for the exact solution of the prize-collecting Steiner tree problem I Ljubić, R Weiskircher, U Pferschy, GW Klau, P Mutzel, M Fischetti Mathematical programming 105, 427-449, 2006 | 297 | 2006 |
The multidimensional knapsack problem: Structure and algorithms J Puchinger, GR Raidl, U Pferschy INFORMS Journal on Computing 22 (2), 250-265, 2010 | 271 | 2010 |
Approximation algorithms for knapsack problems with cardinality constraints A Caprara, H Kellerer, U Pferschy, D Pisinger European Journal of Operational Research 123 (2), 333-345, 2000 | 248 | 2000 |
Introduction to NP-Completeness of knapsack problems H Kellerer, U Pferschy, D Pisinger, H Kellerer, U Pferschy, D Pisinger Knapsack problems, 483-493, 2004 | 240 | 2004 |
The knapsack problem with conflict graphs U Pferschy, J Schauer Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 13 (2), 233-249, 2009 | 169 | 2009 |
Approximating multiobjective knapsack problems T Erlebach, H Kellerer, U Pferschy Management Science 48 (12), 1603-1612, 2002 | 143 | 2002 |
The multiple subset sum problem A Caprara, H Kellerer, U Pferschy SIAM Journal on Optimization 11 (2), 308-319, 2000 | 139 | 2000 |
An efficient fully polynomial approximation scheme for the subset-sum problem H Kellerer, R Mansini, U Pferschy, MG Speranza Journal of Computer and System Sciences 66 (2), 349-370, 2003 | 133 | 2003 |
Paths, trees and matchings under disjunctive constraints A Darmann, U Pferschy, J Schauer, GJ Woeginger Discrete Applied Mathematics 159 (16), 1726-1735, 2011 | 127 | 2011 |
Improved dynamic programming in connection with an FPTAS for the knapsack problem H Kellerer, U Pferschy Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 8, 5-11, 2004 | 123 | 2004 |
The core concept for the multidimensional knapsack problem J Puchinger, GR Raidl, U Pferschy Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 6th European …, 2006 | 115 | 2006 |
A new fully polynomial time approximation scheme for the knapsack problem H Kellerer, U Pferschy Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 3, 59-71, 1999 | 113 | 1999 |
Generating subtour elimination constraints for the TSP from pure integer solutions U Pferschy, R Staněk Central European journal of operations research 25, 231-260, 2017 | 100 | 2017 |
Combining a memetic algorithm with integer programming to solve the prize-collecting Steiner tree problem GW Klau, I Ljubić, A Moser, P Mutzel, P Neuner, U Pferschy, G Raidl, ... Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 1304-1315, 2004 | 96 | 2004 |
Exact solution of the robust knapsack problem M Monaci, U Pferschy, P Serafini Computers & operations research 40 (11), 2625-2631, 2013 | 84 | 2013 |
Optimised scheduling in human–robot collaboration–a use case in the assembly of printed circuit boards K Bogner, U Pferschy, R Unterberger, H Zeiner International Journal of Production Research 56 (16), 5522-5540, 2018 | 81 | 2018 |
The maximum flow problem with disjunctive constraints U Pferschy, J Schauer Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 26 (1), 109-119, 2013 | 74 | 2013 |
Approximation schemes for ordered vector packing problems A Caprara, H Kellerer, U Pferschy Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 50 (1), 58-69, 2003 | 69 | 2003 |
Dynamic programming revisited: Improving knapsack algorithms U Pferschy Computing 63 (4), 419-430, 1999 | 68 | 1999 |