Dr. Syeda Shahid
Cited by
Cited by
University libraries response to COVID-19 pandemic: A developing country perspective
M Rafiq, SH Batool, AM Ali
Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2020
Status of technological competencies: A case study of university librarians
SH Batool
Library Philosophy and Practice, 1, 2010
Relationship between self-efficacy and knowledge sharing: systematic review
M Safdar
Global knowledge, Memory and Communication, 2514-9342, 2020
Teachers' conceptions about information literacy skills of school children.
SH Batool, K Mahmood
Pakistan Journal of Library & Information Science, 2012
Job Satisfaction Among Public and Private University/Degree Awarding Institution Librarians of Lahore: A Comparative Study
H Moeen, SH Batool
Pakistan Journal of Library & Information Science 14 ( …, 2013
Entertainment, communication or academic use? A survey of Internet cafe users in Lahore, Pakistan
SH Batool, K Mahmood
Information Development 26 (2), 141-147, 2010
Academic library leaders’ challenges, difficulties and skills: An analysis of common experiences
M Ashiq, S Ur Rehman, SH Batool
Libri 68 (4), 301-313, 2018
The current situation of information literacy education and curriculum design in Pakistan: a discovery using Delphi Method
SH Batool, A Rehman, I Sulehri
Library Hi Tech 2021, Ahead of Print, 2021
Difficulties novice LIS researchers face while formulating a research topic
K Ameen, SH Batool, MA Naveed
Information Development 35 (4), 592-600, 2019
Mapping the state of information literacy education in primary schools: The case of Pakistan
SH Batool, S Webber
Library & Information Science Research 41 (2), 123-131, 2019
Examining digital information literacy as a determinant of women’s online shopping behavior
M Mahmmod, M., Batool, S.H. & Rafiq, M., Safdar
Information Technology & People, 2021
Academic library leaders’ conceptions of library leadership in Pakistan
M Ashiq, SU Rehman, SH Batool
Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science 24 (2), 55-71, 2019
Examining the status of prison libraries around the world: A literature review
ST Hussain, SH Batool, A Rehman, SK Zahra, K Mahmood
IFLA Journal 49 (1), 180-200, 2023
Pakistani students’ perceptions about their learning experience through video games: A qualitative case study
T Khalid, SH Batool, A Khalid, H Saeed, SWH Zaidi
Library Hi Tech 38 (3), 493-503, 2019
Conceptions of school libraries and the role of school librarians: findings from case studies of primary schools in Lahore
SH Batool, S Webber
University of Borås, 2017
A contextual framework for primary education: fostering information literacy in Pakistan
SH Batool, S Webber
Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication 68 (3), 164-176, 2019
Bonding between information literacy and personal information management practices: a survey of electronic media journalists
U Haider, SH Batool, A Malik, K Mahmood, M Safdar
Information and Learning Sciences, 2022
Relationship between parents' health literacy and child health: systematic review
SH Batool, M Safdar, S Eman
Library Hi Tech, 2022
A Qualitative Case Study of Green Environment: Practices, Attitudes and Future Strategies of Pakistani University Librarians
A Khalid, SH Batool
Electronic Green Journal 1 (44), 2020
Early findings from a study of information literacy practices in primary schools of Pakistan
SH Batool, S Webber
Information Literacy. Lifelong Learning and Digital Citizenship in the 21st …, 2014
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Articles 1–20