Shen Li
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Cited by
The influence of residual stress on the ultimate strength of longitudinally compressed stiffened panels
S Li, DK Kim, S Benson
Ocean Engineering, 108839, 2021
An analytical method to predict the buckling and collapse behaviour of plates and stiffened panels under cyclic loading
S Li, Z Hu, SD Benson
Engineering Structures 199, 109627, 2019
Progressive collapse analysis of ship hull girders subjected to extreme cyclic bending
S Li, Z Hu, S Benson
Marine Structures 73, 2020
Ultimate strength characteristics of unstiffened cylindrical shell in axial compression
S Li, DK Kim
Ocean Engineering 243, 110253, 2022
A probabilistic approach to assess the computational uncertainty of ultimate strength of hull girders
S Li, DK Kim, S Benson
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 213, 107688, 2021
An adaptable algorithm to predict the load-shortening curves of stiffened panels in compression
S Li, DK Kim, S Benson
Ships and Offshore Structures 16 (sup1), 122-139, 2021
Computationally aware estimation of ultimate strength reduction of stiffened panels caused by welding residual stress: From finite element to data-driven methods
S Li, A Coraddu, L Oneto
Engineering Structures 264, 114423, 2022
A comparison of geometric imperfection models for collapse analysis of ship-type stiffened plated grillages
S Li, D Georgiadis, DK Kim, MS Samuelides
Engineering Structures 250, 113480, 2022
A re-evaluation of the hull girder shakedown limit states
S Li, SD Benson
Ships and Offshore Structures 14 (sup1), 239-250, 2019
A comparison of numerical methods for damage index based residual ultimate limit state assessment of grounded ship hulls
S Li, DK Kim
Thin-Walled Structures 172, 108854, 2022
A cyclic progressive collapse method to predict the bending response of a ship hull girder
S Li, Z Hu, SD Benson
7th International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT 2019, Dubrovnik …, 2019
An empirical formula to assess ultimate strength of initially deflected plate: Part 2= combined longitudinal compression and lateral pressure
DK Kim, S Li, K Yoo, K Danasakaran, NK Cho
Ocean Engineering, 111112, 2022
A framework for optimal sensor placement to support structural health monitoring
S Li, A Coraddu, F Brennan
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10 (12), 1819, 2022
An empirical formula to assess ultimate strength of initially deflected plate: Part 1= propose the general shape and application to longitudinal compression
DK Kim, S Li, JR Lee, BY Poh, S Benson, NK Cho
Ocean Engineering, 111151, 2022
The sensitivity of ultimate ship hull strength to the structural component load-shortening curve
S Li, Z Hu, S Benson
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-20-4165, 2020
Bending response of a damaged ship hull girder predicted by the cyclic progressive collapse method
S Li, ZQ Hu, SD Benson
Developments in the Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures …, 2019
Digital twin enabled structural integrity management: Critical review and framework development
S Li, F Brennan
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M Journal of …, 2024
Influence of stochastic geometric imperfection on the ultimate strength of stiffened panel in compression
DG Georgiadis, MS Samuelides, S Li, DK Kim, S Benson
Developments in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures, 95-103, 2021
A critical review of challenges and opportunities for the design and operation of offshore structures supporting renewable hydrogen production, storage, and transport
CA Rodríguez Castillo, B Yeter, S Li, F Brennan, M Collu
Wind Energy Science 9 (3), 533-554, 2024
Fibre-Based modelling for predicting the progressive collapse of cylindrical shells under combined axial compression and bending moment
S Li, DK Kim, QQ Liang
Engineering Structures 272, 114988, 2022
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Articles 1–20