Magnus Borga
Magnus Borga
Professor in Medical Informatics, Linköping University
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Cited by
Evidence for two types of brown adipose tissue in humans
ME Lidell, MJ Betz, OD Leinhard, M Heglind, L Elander, M Slawik, ...
Nature medicine 19 (5), 631-634, 2013
Advanced body composition assessment: from body mass index to body composition profiling
M Borga, J West, JD Bell, NC Harvey, T Romu, SB Heymsfield, ...
Journal of Investigative Medicine 66 (5), 1-9, 2018
Learning multidimensional signal processing
M Borga
Linkopings Universitet (Sweden), 1998
Detection of neural activity in functional MRI using canonical correlation analysis
O Friman, J Cedefamn, P Lundberg, M Borga, H Knutsson
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2001
Adaptive analysis of fMRI data
O Friman, M Borga, P Lundberg, H Knutsson
NeuroImage 19 (3), 837-845, 2003
Automatic and quantitative assessment of regional muscle volume by multi‐atlas segmentation using whole‐body water–fat MRI
A Karlsson, J Rosander, T Romu, J Tallberg, A Grönqvist, M Borga, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 41 (6), 1558-1569, 2015
Canonical correlation: a tutorial
M Borga
On line tutorial http://people. imt. liu. se/magnus/cca 4 (5), 2001
Exploratory fMRI analysis by autocorrelation maximization
O Friman, M Borga, P Lundberg, H Knutsson
NeuroImage 16 (2), 454-464, 2002
Body composition profiling in the UK Biobank Imaging Study
J Linge, M Borga, J West, T Tuthill, MR Miller, A Dumitriu, EL Thomas, ...
Obesity 26 (11), 1785-1795, 2018
Feasibility of MR-based body composition analysis in large scale population studies
J West, O Dahlqvist Leinhard, T Romu, R Collins, S Garratt, JD Bell, ...
PloS one 11 (9), e0163332, 2016
Device for measuring physical properties of the tympanic membrane
A Oberg, A Johansson, H Knutsson, M Borga, T Stromberg, M Sundberg
US Patent App. 10/560,410, 2006
Blood vessel segmentation using multi-scale quadrature filtering
G Läthén, J Jonasson, M Borga
Pattern Recognition Letters 31 (8), 762-767, 2010
A canonical correlation approach to blind source separation
M Borga, H Knutsson
Report LiU-IMT-EX-0062 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Linkping University, 2001
Small baseline volume of left hippocampus is associated with subsequent conversion of MCI into dementia: the Göteborg MCI study
C Eckerström, E Olsson, M Borga, S Ekholm, S Ribbelin, S Rolstad, ...
Journal of the neurological sciences 272 (1-2), 48-59, 2008
Quantitative abdominal fat estimation using MRI
OD Leinhard, A Johansson, J Rydell, O Smedby, F Nystrom, P Lundberg, ...
2008 19th international conference on pattern recognition, 1-4, 2008
A unified approach to pca, pls, mlr and cca
M Borga, T Landelius, H Knutsson
Linköping University, Department of Electrical Engineering, 1997
Validation of a fast method for quantification of intra‐abdominal and subcutaneous adipose tissue for large‐scale human studies
M Borga, EL Thomas, T Romu, J Rosander, J Fitzpatrick, ...
NMR in biomedicine 28 (12), 1747-1753, 2015
Detection and detrending in fMRI data analysis
O Friman, M Borga, P Lundberg, H Knutsson
NeuroImage 22 (2), 645-655, 2004
Brown adipose tissue in humans: detection and functional analysis using PET (positron emission tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), and DECT (dual energy computed …
M Borga, KA Virtanen, T Romu, OD Leinhard, A Persson, P Nuutila, ...
Methods in enzymology 537, 141-159, 2014
Precision of MRI-based body composition measurements of postmenopausal women
J West, T Romu, S Thorell, H Lindblom, E Berin, ACS Holm, LL Åstrand, ...
PloS one 13 (2), e0192495, 2018
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Articles 1–20