Khadija Sheikh
Khadija Sheikh
Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins University
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Cited by
Distinguishing true progression from radionecrosis after stereotactic radiation therapy for brain metastases with machine learning and radiomics
L Peng, V Parekh, P Huang, DD Lin, K Sheikh, B Baker, T Kirschbaum, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 102 (4), 1236-1243, 2018
Predicting acute radiation induced xerostomia in head and neck Cancer using MR and CT Radiomics of parotid and submandibular glands
K Sheikh, SH Lee, Z Cheng, P Lakshminarayanan, L Peng, P Han, ...
Radiation Oncology 14 (1), 1-11, 2019
Ultra‐short echo‐time pulmonary MRI: Evaluation and reproducibility in COPD subjects with and without bronchiectasis
W Ma, K Sheikh, S Svenningsen, D Pike, F Guo, R Etemad‐Rezai, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 41 (5), 1465-1474, 2015
Free-breathing pulmonary 1H and Hyperpolarized 3He MRI: comparison in COPD and bronchiectasis
DPI Capaldi, K Sheikh, F Guo, S Svenningsen, R Etemad-Rezai, ...
Academic radiology 22 (3), 320-329, 2015
Functional lung avoidance for individualized radiotherapy (FLAIR): study protocol for a randomized, double-blind clinical trial
DA Hoover, DPI Capaldi, K Sheikh, DA Palma, GB Rodrigues, AR Dar, ...
BMC cancer 14, 1-10, 2014
Oscillatory positive expiratory pressure in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
S Svenningsen, GA Paulin, K Sheikh, F Guo, A Hasany, M Kirby, ...
COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 13 (1), 66-74, 2016
Radiation versus immune checkpoint inhibitor associated pneumonitis: distinct radiologic morphologies
X Chen, K Sheikh, E Nakajima, CT Lin, J Lee, C Hu, RK Hales, PM Forde, ...
The Oncologist 26 (10), e1822-e1832, 2021
Dose/volume histogram patterns in salivary gland subvolumes influence xerostomia injury and recovery
P Han, P Lakshminarayanan, W Jiang, I Shpitser, X Hui, SH Lee, Z Cheng, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 3616, 2019
Globally optimal co-segmentation of three-dimensional pulmonary 1H and hyperpolarized 3He MRI with spatial consistence prior
F Guo, J Yuan, M Rajchl, S Svenningsen, DPI Capaldi, K Sheikh, ...
Medical image analysis 23 (1), 43-55, 2015
Pathogen identification with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: the effect of bacterial and biofluid specimen contamination
QI Mohaidat, K Sheikh, S Palchaudhuri, SJ Rehse
Applied Optics 51 (7), B99-B107, 2012
Free-breathing functional pulmonary MRI: response to bronchodilator and bronchoprovocation in severe asthma
DPI Capaldi, K Sheikh, RL Eddy, F Guo, S Svenningsen, P Nair, ...
Academic Radiology 24 (10), 1268-1276, 2017
Ultrashort echo time MRI biomarkers of asthma
K Sheikh, F Guo, DPI Capaldi, A Ouriadov, RL Eddy, S Svenningsen, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 45 (4), 1204-1215, 2017
Noninvasive quantification of alveolar morphometry in elderly never‐and ex‐smokers
GA Paulin, A Ouriadov, E Lessard, K Sheikh, DG McCormack, G Parraga
Physiological reports 3 (10), e12583, 2015
Pulmonary ventilation defects in older never-smokers
K Sheikh, GA Paulin, S Svenningsen, M Kirby, NAM Paterson, ...
Journal of applied physiology 117 (3), 297-306, 2014
Ventilation heterogeneity in never-smokers and COPD:: comparison of pulmonary functional magnetic resonance imaging with the poorly communicating fraction derived from …
C Davis, K Sheikh, D Pike, S Svenningsen, DG McCormack, D O'Donnell, ...
Academic Radiology 23 (4), 398-405, 2016
Radiomic modeling to predict risk of vertebral compression fracture after stereotactic body radiation therapy for spinal metastases
C Gui, X Chen, K Sheikh, L Mathews, SFL Lo, J Lee, MA Khan, ...
Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 36 (2), 294-302, 2021
Thoracic CT‐MRI coregistration for regional pulmonary structure–function measurements of obstructive lung disease
F Guo, S Svenningsen, M Kirby, DPI Capaldi, K Sheikh, A Fenster, ...
Medical physics 44 (5), 1718-1733, 2017
Anatomical pulmonary magnetic resonance imaging segmentation for regional structure‐function measurements of asthma
F Guo, S Svenningsen, RL Eddy, DPI Capaldi, K Sheikh, A Fenster, ...
Medical physics 43 (6Part1), 2911-2926, 2016
Pulmonary MRI morphometry modeling of airspace enlargement in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and alpha‐1 antitrypsin deficiency
A Ouriadov, E Lessard, K Sheikh, G Parraga, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 79 (1), 439-448, 2018
Canadian Respiratory Research N. Pulmonary MRI morphometry modeling of airspace enlargement in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
A Ouriadov, E Lessard, K Sheikh, G Parraga
Magn Reson Med 79, 439-448, 2018
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Articles 1–20