Michel Bernier
Cited by
Cited by
Ground-Coupled Heat Pump System Simulation
MA Bernier
ASHRAE Transactions 107 (1), 605-616, 2001
A semi-analytical method to generate g-functions for geothermal bore fields
M Cimmino, M Bernier
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 70, 641-650, 2014
Validity ranges of three analytical solutions to heat transfer in the vicinity of single boreholes
M Philippe, M Bernier, D Marchio
Geothermics 38 (4), 407-413, 2009
A multiple load aggregation algorithm for annual hourly simulations of GCHP systems
MA Bernier, P Pinel, R Labib, R Paillot
HVAC&R Research 10 (4), 471-487, 2004
Pumping energy and variable frequency drives
MA Bernier, B Bourret
ASHRAE journal 41 (12), 37-40, 1999
Closed-loop ground-coupled heat pump systems
MA Bernier
ASHRAE Journal 48 (9), 12-25, 2006
The importance of axial effects for borehole design of geothermal heat-pump systems
D Marcotte, P Pasquier, F Sheriff, M Bernier
Renewable Energy 35 (4), 763-770, 2010
A contribution towards the determination of g-functions using the finite line source
M Cimmino, M Bernier, F Adams
Applied Thermal Engineering 51 (1-2), 401-412, 2013
Sizing calculation spreadsheet: vertical geothermal borefields
M Philippe, M Bernier, D Marchio
ASHRAE Journal 52 (7), 20-28, 2010
Coupling of geothermal heat pumps with thermal solar collectors using double U-tube boreholes with two independent circuits
P Eslami-nejad, M Bernier
Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (14-15), 3066-3077, 2011
Freezing of geothermal borehole surroundings: A numerical and experimental assessment with applications
P Eslami-nejad, M Bernier
Applied Energy 98, 333-345, 2012
Cooling tower performance: theory and experiments
MA Bernier
ASHRAE Transactions. 100, 114-121, 1994
Chapter 2: Vertical borehole ground heat exchanger design methods
J Spitler, M Bernier
in Advances in ground-source heat pump systems, 2016
Achieving total domestic hot water production with renewable energy
AL Biaou, MA Bernier
Building and Environment 43 (4), 651-660, 2008
Seasonal storage of solar energy in borehole heat exchangers
S Chapuis, M Bernier
11th International IBPSA conference, Glasgow, pp.599-606, 2009
Long-Term Ground-Temperature Changes in Geo-Exchange Systems
MA Bernier, A Chahla, P Pinel
ASHRAE Transactions 114 (2), 342-350, 2008
Intermodel Comparison and Experimental Validation of Electrical Water Heater Models in TRNSYS
Y Allard, M Kummert, M Bernier, A Moreau
Proceedings of the 12th International IBPSA conference, Sydney, Australia …, 2011
A simple heat and moisture transfer model to predict ground temperature for shallow ground heat exchangers
M Chalhoub, M Bernier, Y Coquet, M Philippe
Renewable Energy 103, 295-307, 2017
A 1-D/2-D model and experimental results for a closed-loop thermosyphon with vertical heat transfer sections
MA Bernier, BR Baliga
International journal of heat and mass transfer 35 (11), 2969-2982, 1992
A review of vertical ground heat exchanger sizing tools including an inter-model comparison
M Ahmadfard, M Bernier
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 110, 247-265, 2019
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Articles 1–20