George Goulas
Cited by
Cited by
A systematic two phase approach for the nurse rostering problem
C Valouxis, C Gogos, G Goulas, P Alefragis, E Housos
European Journal of Operational Research 219 (2), 425-433, 2012
Scheduling independent tasks on heterogeneous processors using heuristics and Column Pricing
C Gogos, C Valouxis, P Alefragis, G Goulas, N Voros, E Housos
Future Generation Computer Systems 60, 48-66, 2016
PLEIADES: An Internet‐based parallel/distributed system
D Koulopoulos, K Papoutsis, G Goulas, E Housos
Software: Practice and Experience 32 (11), 1035-1049, 2002
Cloud-edge interoperability for demand response-enabled fast frequency response service provision
A Bachoumis, N Andriopoulos, K Plakas, A Magklaras, P Alefragis, ...
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 10 (1), 123-133, 2021
Compiling Scilab to high performance embedded multicore systems
T Stripf, O Oey, T Bruckschloegl, J Becker, G Rauwerda, K Sunesen, ...
Microprocessors and Microsystems 37 (8), 1033-1049, 2013
Design and implementation of an efficient integer count sort in CUDA GPUs
V Kolonias, AG Voyiatzis, G Goulas, E Housos
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 23 (18), 2365-2381, 2011
Solving the examination timetabling problem in gpus
V Kolonias, G Goulas, C Gogos, P Alefragis, E Housos
Algorithms 7 (3), 295-327, 2014
Distributed Scatter Search for the Examination Timetabling Problem
C Gogos, G Goulas, A Panayiotis, V Kolonias, E Housos
The 8th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated …, 2010
A compilation-and simulation-oriented architecture description language for multicore systems
T Stripf, O Oey, T Bruckschloegl, R Koenig, G Goulas, P Alefragis, ...
2012 IEEE 15th International Conference on Computational Science and …, 2012
Pursuit of better results for the examination timetabling problem using grid resources
C Gogos, G Goulas, P Alefragis, E Housos
2009 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling, 48-53, 2009
Dag scheduling using integer programming in heterogeneous parallel execution environments
C Valouxis, C Gogos, P Alefragis, G Goulas, N Voros, E Housos
Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling …, 2013
From scilab to high performance embedded multicore systems: The alma approach
J Becker, T Stripf, O Oey, M Huebner, S Derrien, D Menard, O Sentieys, ...
2012 15th Euromicro conference on digital system design, 114-121, 2012
SchedSP: a Grid‐based application service provider of scheduling solutions
G Goulas, P Alefragis, E Housos
Software: Practice and Experience 35 (12), 1195-1216, 2005
A parallel/distributed platform for university computational infrastructure service provisioning
D Koulopoulos, G Goulas, K Papoutsis, E Housos
Proceedings of the CSIT Workshop, 2002
Mapping and scheduling hard real time applications on multicore systems-the argo approach
P Alefragis, G Theodoridis, M Katsimpris, C Valouxis, C Gogos, G Goulas, ...
Applied Reconfigurable Computing. Architectures, Tools, and Applications …, 2018
Highway Rest Areas simultaneous energy optimization and user satisfaction
I Xanthopoulos, G Goulas, C Gogos, P Alefragis, E Housos
Proceedings of the 20th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, 1-4, 2016
Assigning and scheduling hierarchical task graphs to heterogeneous resources
P Alefragis, C Gogos, C Valouxis, G Goulas, N Voros, E Housos
Proceedings of the 10th Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT), 2014
Coarse-grain optimization and code generation for embedded multicore systems
G Goulas, C Valouxis, P Alefragis, NS Voros, C Gogos, O Oey, T Stripf, ...
2013 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, 379-386, 2013
Coarse grain parallelization using integer programming
G Goulas, C Gogos, C Valouxis, P Alefragis, NS Voros
2013 11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN …, 2013
ERMIS: A helicopter taxi company software support system based on GPS, GSM and web services
G Goulas, V Barkayannis, S Gianoulis, C Gogos, P Alefragis, P Foundas, ...
2006 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 1107-1114, 2006
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Articles 1–20