Venkat Krishnan
Venkat Krishnan
Black & Veatch
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Power system inertia estimation: Review of methods and the impacts of converter-interfaced generations
B Tan, J Zhao, M Netto, V Krishnan, V Terzija, Y Zhang
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 134, 107362, 2022
Co-optimization of electricity transmission and generation resources for planning and policy analysis: review of concepts and modeling approaches
K Venkat, H Jonathan, BF Hobbs, LL Andrew, DMC James, S Mohammad, ...
Energy Systems, 2015
Assessing the benefits and economics of bulk energy storage technologies in the power grid
T Das, V Krishnan, JD McCalley
Applied Energy 139, 104-118, 2015
A review of power distribution test feeders in the United States and the need for synthetic representative networks
FE Postigo Marcos, C Mateo Domingo, T Gomez San Roman, ...
Energies 10 (11), 1896, 2017
A data-driven methodology for probabilistic wind power ramp forecasting
M Cui, J Zhang, Q Wang, V Krishnan, BM Hodge
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (2), 1326-1338, 2017
Regional energy deployment system (reeds) model documentation: Version 2016
K Eurek, W Cole, D Bielen, N Blair, S Cohen, B Frew, J Ho, V Krishnan, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2016
Efficient database generation for decision tree based power system security assessment
V Krishnan, JD McCalley, S Henry, S Issad
IEEE Transactions on Power systems 26 (4), 2319-2327, 2011
Utility-scale lithium-ion storage cost projections for use in capacity expansion models
WJ Cole, C Marcy, VK Krishnan, R Margolis
2016 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 1-6, 2016
Optimal allocation of energy storage in a co-optimized electricity market: Benefits assessment and deriving indicators for economic storage ventures
V Krishnan, T Das
Energy 81, 175-188, 2015
A copula-based conditional probabilistic forecast model for wind power ramps
M Cui, V Krishnan, BM Hodge, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (4), 3870-3882, 2018
Building large-scale US synthetic electric distribution system models
C Mateo, F Postigo, F de Cuadra, TG San Roman, T Elgindy, P Duenas, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (6), 5301-5313, 2020
System protection schemes: limitations, risks, and management
J McCalley, O Oluwaseyi, V Krishnan, R Dai, C Singh, K Jiang
Final Report to the Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC) 110, 2010
An optimization model of energy and transportation systems: Assessing the high-speed rail impacts in the United States
V Krishnan, E Kastrouni, VD Pyrialakou, K Gkritza, JD McCalley
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 54, 131-156, 2015
Co-optimization of transmission and other supply resources
A Liu, B Hobbs, J Ho, J McCalley, V Krishnan, M Shahidehpour, Q Zheng
Prepared for the Eastern Interconnection States’ Planning Council, NARUC, 2013
Assessing the costs and benefits of US renewable portfolio standards
R Wiser, T Mai, D Millstein, G Barbose, L Bird, J Heeter, D Keyser, ...
Environmental Research Letters 12 (9), 094023, 2017
Validation of synthetic US electric power distribution system data sets
V Krishnan, B Bugbee, T Elgindy, C Mateo, P Duenas, F Postigo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (5), 4477-4489, 2020
On analytical construction of observable functions in extended dynamic mode decomposition for nonlinear estimation and prediction
M Netto, Y Susuki, V Krishnan, Y Zhang
2021 American Control Conference (ACC), 4190-4195, 2021
Resilience and robustness in long-term planning of the national energy and transportation system
E Ibanez, S Lavrenz, K Gkritza, DA Mejia-Giraldo, V Krishnan, ...
International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 12 (1-2), 82-103, 2016
Optimal planning of static and dynamic reactive power resources
H Liu, V Krishnan, JD McCalley, A Chowdhury
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 8 (12), 1916-1927, 2014
Dispatching intermittent wind resources for ancillary services via wind control and its impact on power system economics
D Nock, V Krishnan, JD McCalley
Renewable Energy 71, 396-400, 2014
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Articles 1–20