Sher Jamal Khan
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Cited by
Simulation of the impacts of land-use change on surface runoff of Lai Nullah Basin in Islamabad, Pakistan
M Ali, SJ Khan, I Aslam, Z Khan
Landscape and Urban Planning 102 (4), 271-279, 2011
Performance of suspended and attached growth MBR systems in treating high strength synthetic wastewater
SJ Khan, S Ilyas, S Javid, C Visvanathan, V Jegatheesan
Bioresource technology 102 (9), 5331-5336, 2011
Hybrid anaerobic-aerobic biological treatment for real textile wastewater
R Shoukat, SJ Khan, Y Jamal
Journal of Water Process Engineering 29, 100804, 2019
Anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBRs) for municipal wastewater treatment-potential benefits, constraints, and future perspectives: An updated review
A Aslam, SJ Khan, HMA Shahzad
Science of the total Environment 802, 149612, 2022
Performance evaluation of reverse osmosis (RO) pre-treatment technologies for in-land brackish water treatment
NK Khanzada, SJ Khan, PA Davies
Desalination 406, 44-50, 2017
Effect of powdered activated carbon (PAC) and cationic polymer on biofouling mitigation in hybrid MBRs
SJ Khan, C Visvanathan, V Jegatheesan
Bioresource Technology 113, 165-168, 2012
Membrane biofouling retardation and improved sludge characteristics using quorum quenching bacteria in submerged membrane bioreactor
T Maqbool, SJ Khan, H Waheed, CH Lee, I Hashmi, H Iqbal
Journal of Membrane Science 483, 75-83, 2015
Microbial toxicity effects of reverse transported draw solute in the forward osmosis membrane bioreactor (FO-MBR)
MS Nawaz, G Gadelha, SJ Khan, N Hankins
Journal of membrane science 429, 323-329, 2013
Prediction of membrane fouling in MBR systems using empirically estimated specific cake resistance
SJ Khan, C Visvanathan, V Jegatheesan
Bioresource Technology 100 (23), 6133-6136, 2009
Influence of biofilm carriers on membrane fouling propensity in moving biofilm membrane bioreactor
SJ Khan, C Visvanathan, V Jegatheesan
Bioresource technology 113, 161-164, 2012
Assessment of micellar solutions as draw solutions for forward osmosis
G Gadelha, MS Nawaz, NP Hankins, SJ Khan, R Wang, CY Tang
Desalination 354, 97-106, 2014
Effects of filtration modes on membrane fouling behavior and treatment in submerged membrane bioreactor
T Maqbool, SJ Khan, CH Lee
Bioresource technology 172, 391-395, 2014
Heavy metals removal by osmotic membrane bioreactor (OMBR) and their effect on sludge properties
B Aftab, SJ Khan, T Maqbool, NP Hankins
Desalination 403, 117-127, 2017
Enhancing methane production from dewatered waste activated sludge through alkaline and photocatalytic pretreatment
A Maryam, M Badshah, M Sabeeh, SJ Khan
Bioresource Technology 325, 124677, 2021
Removal and recovery of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) from industrial wastewater by two-stage diffusion dialysis (DD) and electrodialysis (ED) processes
B Imran, SJ Khan, IA Qazi, M Arshad
Desalination and Water Treatment 57 (17), 7926-7932, 2016
Influence of mechanical mixing intensity on a biofilm structure and permeability in a membrane bioreactor
SJ Khan, C Visvanathan
Desalination 231 (1-3), 253-267, 2008
Desalination of brackish water using capacitive deionization (CDI) technology
F Ahmad, SJ Khan, Y Jamal, H Kamran, A Ahsan, M Ahmad, A Khan
Desalination and Water Treatment 57 (17), 7659-7666, 2016
Influence of temperature on the performance of a full-scale activated sludge process operated at varying solids retention times whilst treating municipal sewage
M Shahzad, SJ Khan, P Paul
Water 7 (3), 855-867, 2015
Molecular detection of microbial community in a nitrifying–denitrifying activated sludge system
H Waheed, I Hashmi, AK Naveed, SJ Khan
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 85, 527-532, 2013
Heat extraction and brine management from salinity gradient solar pond and membrane distillation
K Manzoor, SJ Khan, Y Jamal, MA Shahzad
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 118, 226-237, 2017
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Articles 1–20