Jano van Hemert, PhD, FRSE
Jano van Hemert, PhD, FRSE
Director of Data Services, EPCC, University of Edinburgh
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Scientific workflow: a survey and research directions
A Barker, J Van Hemert
International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 746-753, 2007
Diabetic retinopathy severity and peripheral lesions are associated with nonperfusion on ultrawide field angiography
PS Silva, AJD Cruz, MG Ledesma, J van Hemert, A Radwan, ...
Ophthalmology 122 (12), 2465-2472, 2015
Graph coloring with adaptive evolutionary algorithms
AE Eiben, JK Van Der Hauw, JI van Hemert
Journal of Heuristics 4, 25-46, 1998
Automatic extraction of retinal features from colour retinal images for glaucoma diagnosis: a review
MS Haleem, L Han, J Van Hemert, B Li
Computerized medical imaging and graphics 37 (7-8), 581-596, 2013
Understanding TSP difficulty by learning from evolved instances
K Smith-Miles, J Van Hemert, XY Lim
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 4th International Conference, LION 4 …, 2010
Comparing evolutionary algorithms on binary constraint satisfaction problems
BGW Craenen, AE Eiben, JI van Hemert
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 7 (5), 424-444, 2003
Measuring the precise area of peripheral retinal non-perfusion using ultra-widefield imaging and its correlation with the ischaemic index
CS Tan, MC Chew, J van Hemert, MA Singer, D Bell, SVR Sadda
British Journal of Ophthalmology 100 (2), 235-239, 2016
Discovering the suitability of optimisation algorithms by learning from evolved instances
K Smith-Miles, J van Hemert
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 61, 87-104, 2011
Dynamic routing problems with fruitful regions: Models and evolutionary computation
JI Van Hemert, JA La Poutré
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 692-701, 2004
Precise montaging and metric quantification of retinal surface area from ultra-widefield fundus photography and fluorescein angiography
DE Croft, J van Hemert, CC Wykoff, D Clifton, M Verhoek, A Fleming, ...
Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging Retina 45 (4), 312-317, 2014
A comparison of genetic programming variants for data classification
J Eggermont, AE Eiben, JI van Hemert
International symposium on intelligent data analysis, 281-290, 1999
Assessment of accuracy and precision of quantification of ultra-widefield images
M Sagong, J van Hemert, LCO de Koo, C Barnett, SVR Sadda
Ophthalmology 122 (4), 864-866, 2015
Distribution of nonperfusion area on ultra-widefield fluorescein angiography in eyes with diabetic macular edema: DAVE study
W Fan, K Wang, KG Falavarjani, M Sagong, A Uji, M Ip, CC Wykoff, ...
American journal of ophthalmology 180, 110-116, 2017
A novel adaptive deformable model for automated optic disc and cup segmentation to aid glaucoma diagnosis
MS Haleem, L Han, J Hemert, B Li, A Fleming, LR Pasquale, BJ Song
Journal of medical systems 42, 1-18, 2018
Evolving combinatorial problem instances that are difficult to solve
JI van Hemert
Evolutionary Computation 14 (4), 433-462, 2006
Hemorrhage and/or microaneurysm severity and count in ultrawide field images and early treatment diabetic retinopathy study photography
PS Silva, H El-Rami, R Barham, A Gupta, A Fleming, J van Hemert, ...
Ophthalmology 124 (7), 970-976, 2017
Ultra-widefield imaging of the peripheral retinal vasculature in normal subjects
M Singer, M Sagong, J van Hemert, L Kuehlewein, D Bell, SVR Sadda
Ophthalmology 123 (5), 1053-1059, 2016
Neighbourhood searches for the bounded diameter minimum spanning tree problem embedded in a VNS, EA, and ACO
M Gruber, J van Hemert, GR Raidl
Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2006
Solving binary constraint satisfaction problems using evolutionary algorithms with an adaptive fitness function
AE Eiben, JI van Hemert, E Marchiori, AG Steenbeek
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature—PPSN V: 5th International Conference …, 1998
SAW-ing EAs: Adapting the fitness function for solving constrained problems
G Eiben, J van Hemert
New ideas in optimization, 389-402, 1999
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Articles 1–20