Carlo Giannelli
Carlo Giannelli
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A software defined networking architecture for the internet-of-things
Z Qin, G Denker, C Giannelli, P Bellavista, N Venkatasubramanian
2014 IEEE network operations and management symposium (NOMS), 1-9, 2014
Application-driven network-aware digital twin management in industrial edge environments
P Bellavista, C Giannelli, M Mamei, M Mendula, M Picone
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (11), 7791-7801, 2021
Interoperable blockchains for highly-integrated supply chains in collaborative manufacturing
P Bellavista, C Esposito, L Foschini, C Giannelli, N Mazzocca, ...
Sensors 21 (15), 4955, 2021
Smart appliances and RAMI 4.0: Management and servitization of ice cream machines
A Corradi, L Foschini, C Giannelli, R Lazzarini, C Stefanelli, M Tortonesi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (2), 1007-1016, 2018
Evaluating filtering strategies for decentralized handover prediction in the wireless internet
P Bellavista, A Corradi, C Giannelli
11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'06), 167-174, 2006
Efficiently managing location information with privacy requirements in wi-fi networks: a middleware approach
P Bellavista, A Corradi, C Giannelli
2005 2nd International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, 91-95, 2005
Mobile proxies for proactive buffering in wireless internet multimedia streaming
P Bellavista, A Corradi, C Giannelli
25th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2005
Adaptive buffering-based on handoff prediction for wireless internet continuous services
P Bellavista, A Corradi, C Giannelli
International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications …, 2005
MINA: A reflective middleware for managing dynamic multinetwork environments
Z Qin, L Iannario, C Giannelli, P Bellavista, G Denker, ...
2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), 1-4, 2014
MANET-Oriented SDN: motivations, challenges, and a solution prototype
P Bellavista, A Dolci, C Giannelli
2018 IEEE 19th International Symposium on" A World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2018
The real ad-hoc multi-hop peer-to-peer (ramp) middleware: an easy-to-use support for spontaneous networking
P Bellavista, A Corradi, C Giannelli
The IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications, 463-470, 2010
Requirements and design patterns for adaptive, autonomous, and context-aware digital twins in industry 4.0 digital factories
P Bellavista, N Bicocchi, M Fogli, C Giannelli, M Mamei, M Picone
Computers in Industry 149, 103918, 2023
Quality management of surveillance multimedia streams via federated sdn controllers in fiwi-iot integrated deployment environments
P Bellavista, C Giannelli, T Lagkas, P Sarigiannidis
IEEE Access 6, 21324-21341, 2018
A middleware solution for wireless IoT applications in sparse Smart Cities
P Bellavista, C Giannelli, S Lanzone, G Riberto, C Stefanelli, M Tortonesi
Sensors 17 (11), 2525, 2017
BlockHealth: Blockchain-based secure and peer-to-peer health information sharing with data protection and right to be forgotten
E Balistri, F Casellato, C Giannelli, C Stefanelli
ICT Express 7 (3), 308-315, 2021
A unifying perspective on context-aware evaluation and management of heterogeneous wireless connectivity
P Bellavista, A Corradi, C Giannelli
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 13 (3), 337-357, 2010
Mobility-aware management of internet connectivity in always best served wireless scenarios
P Bellavista, A Corradi, C Giannelli
Mobile Networks and Applications 14, 18-34, 2009
Differentiated management strategies for multi-hop multi-path heterogeneous connectivity in mobile environments
P Bellavista, A Corradi, C Giannelli
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 8 (3), 190-204, 2011
Digital twin oriented architecture for secure and QoS aware intelligent communications in industrial environments
P Bellavista, C Giannelli, M Mamei, M Mendula, M Picone
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 85, 101646, 2022
FUSION—fog computing and blockchain for trusted industrial internet of things
A Ceccarelli, M Cinque, C Esposito, L Foschini, C Giannelli, P Lollini
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 69 (6), 2944-2958, 2020
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Articles 1–20