Hao Liu
Cited by
Cited by
Reinforcement learning tracking control for robotic manipulator with kernel-based dynamic model
Y Hu, W Wang, H Liu, L Liu
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (9), 3570-3578, 2019
Deep nonparametric estimation of operators between infinite dimensional spaces
H Liu, H Yang, M Chen, T Zhao, W Liao
Journal of Machine Learning Research 25 (24), 1-67, 2024
Besov function approximation and binary classification on low-dimensional manifolds using convolutional residual networks
H Liu, M Chen, T Zhao, W Liao
International Conference on Machine Learning, 6770-6780, 2021
Curvature regularized surface reconstruction from point clouds
Y He, SH Kang, H Liu
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 13 (4), 1834-1859, 2020
A finite element/operator-splitting method for the numerical solution of the two dimensional elliptic Monge–Ampère equation
R Glowinski, H Liu, S Leung, J Qian
Journal of Scientific Computing 79, 1-47, 2019
A finite element/operator-splitting method for the numerical solution of the three dimensional Monge–Ampere equation
H Liu, R Glowinski, S Leung, J Qian
Journal of Scientific Computing 81, 2271-2302, 2019
An operator-splitting method for the Gaussian curvature regularization model with applications to surface smoothing and imaging
H Liu, XC Tai, R Glowinski
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 44 (2), A935-A963, 2022
Benefits of Overparameterized Convolutional Residual Networks: Function Approximation under Smoothness Constraint
H Liu, M Chen, S Er, W Liao, T Zhang, T Zhao
Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2022
A color elastica model for vector-valued image regularization
H Liu, XC Tai, R Kimmel, R Glowinski
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 14 (2), 717-748, 2021
Robust identification of differential equations by numerical techniques from a single set of noisy observation
Y He, SH Kang, W Liao, H Liu, Y Liu
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 44 (3), A1145-A1175, 2022
PottsMGNet: A mathematical explanation of encoder-decoder based neural networks
XC Tai, H Liu, R Chan
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 17 (1), 540-594, 2024
Fast algorithms for surface reconstruction from point cloud
Y He, M Huska, SH Kang, H Liu
Mathematical Methods in Image Processing and Inverse Problems: IPIP 2018 …, 2021
Deep nonparametric estimation of intrinsic data structures by chart autoencoders: Generalization error and robustness
H Liu, A Havrilla, R Lai, W Liao
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 68, 101602, 2024
Doubly robust off-policy learning on low-dimensional manifolds by deep neural networks
M Chen, H Liu, W Liao, T Zhao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.01797, 2020
A level set based variational principal flow method for nonparametric dimension reduction on Riemannian manifolds
H Liu, Z Yao, S Leung, TF Chan
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39 (4), A1616-A1646, 2017
Elastica models for color image regularization
H Liu, XC Tai, R Kimmel, R Glowinski
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 16 (1), 461-500, 2023
On the numerical solution of nonlinear eigenvalue problems for the Monge-Ampère operator.
R Glowinski, S Leung, H Liu, J Qian
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation & Calculus of Variations 26, 2020
Double-well net for image segmentation
H Liu, J Liu, RH Chan, XC Tai
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 22 (4), 1449-1477, 2024
Numerical Identification of Nonlocal Potential in Aggregation
Y He, SH Kang, W Liao, H Liu, Y Liu
Commun. Comput. Phys., 2022
An alternating direction explicit method for time evolution equations with applications to fractional differential equations
H Liu, S Leung
Methods and Applications of Analysis 26 (3), 249--268, 2019
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Articles 1–20