Muhammad Adnan Anwar
Muhammad Adnan Anwar
Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal
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Analysis of biomagnetic blood flow in a stenosed bifurcation artery amidst elastic walls
MA Anwar, K Iqbal, M Razzaq
Physica Scripta 96 (8), 085202, 2021
A Numerical Iterative Scheme for Solving Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems of Fractional Order 0< α< 1
MA Anwar, SU Rehman, F Ahmad, MI Qadir
Punjab University journal of mathematics 51 (1), 2020
Fluid-structure interaction study of bio-magnetic fluid in a wavy bifurcated channel with elastic walls
H Shahzad, X Wang, Z Raizah, A Riaz, AH Majeed, MA Anwar, SM Eldin
Frontiers in Physics 10, 999279, 2022
A Comparative Predicting Stock Prices using Heston and Geometric Brownian Motion Models
HT Shehzad, MA Anwar, M Razzaq
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.07796, 2023
From Divide to Debate: A Methodological Approach to Dismantling Polarization in Social Networks
ZU Mustafa, M Amir, M Mustafa, MA Anwar
Preprints, 2023
Time-Dependent Strategy for Improving Aortic Blood Flow Simulations with Boundary Control and Data Assimilation
MA Anwar, J Tiago
arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.11617, 2024
A Fluid–Structure Interaction Analysis to Investigate the Influence of Magnetic Fields on Plaque Growth in Stenotic Bifurcated Arteries
K Iqbal, E Rossi di Schio, MA Anwar, M Razzaq, H Shahzad, P Valdiserri, ...
Dynamics 4 (3), 572-591, 2024
Finite Element Method for Strongly Coupled Fluid-Structure Interaction of a Vertical Flap in a Channel and Aneurysm Hemodynamics
M Razzaq, RM Owais, MA Anwar, F Abbas
Preprints, 2023
A Study of a Plaque Inhibition Through Stenosed Bifurcation Artery considering a Biomagnetic Blood Flow and Elastic Walls
MR M. A. Anwar, K. Iqbal
International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering 16 (07), 2022
The effect of Nusselt number on the bi-viscosity fluid subjected to the discrete heating effect
Journal of Thermal Engineering 7 (7), 1797-1814, 2021
Numerical study of flow across an ellipse and a circle placed in a uniform stream of infinite extent
A Anwar, M Razzaq, L Rivkind
Authorea Preprints, 2020
A Numerical Scheme for Solving Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems of Fractional Order 0≤ β≤ α< 1: Numerical scheme for nonlinear BVPs of fractional order
MA Anwar, SU Rehman, F Ahmad
Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: A. Physical and …, 2018
Algorithmic Intervention: Addressing Social Media Polarization Via Genetic Algorithms
Z Mustafa
Available at SSRN 4814800, 0
A Numerical Scheme for Solving Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems of Fractional Order 0≤ β≤ α
MA Anwar, SU Rehman, F Ahmad
Numerical approximation techniques and error analysis with FEniCS
MA Anwar, J Tiago
2024 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM 2024), 0
Mathematical aspects of augmented intelligence
MA Anwar, M Razzaq
2023 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM 2023), 0
Predicting Stock Prices using Heston and Geometric Brownian Motion Models
HT Shehzad, MA Ayoub, MA Anwar, F Abbas, M Razzaq
2022 Virtual Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM 2022), 0
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