Athanasios Pappas
Athanasios Pappas
Research Fellow
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Cited by
Efficiency of alternative intensity measures for the seismic assessment of monolithic free-standing columns
A Pappas, A Sextos, F Da Porto, C Modena
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 15, 1635-1659, 2017
Bayesian operational modal analysis of offshore rock lighthouses: Close modes, alignment, symmetry and uncertainty
JMW Brownjohn, A Raby, SK Au, Z Zhu, X Wang, A Antonini, A Pappas, ...
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 133, 106306, 2019
Experimental testing and numerical modelling of masonry vaults
P Girardello, A Pappas, F da Porto, MR Valluzzi
Proceedings of international conference on rehabilitation and restoration of …, 2013
Seismic vulnerability assessment form for free-standing columns based on a simplified numerical analysis
A Pappas, F da Porto, C Modena
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 10 (2-3), 281-299, 2016
Wolf Rock lighthouse: past developments and future survivability under wave loading
AC Raby, A Antonini, A Pappas, DT Dassanayake, JMW Brownjohn, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 377 (2155), 20190027, 2019
Numerical analysis of the in-plane behaviour of three-leaf stone masonry panels consolidated with grout injection
BQ Silva, A Pappas, JM Guedes, F Da Porto, C Modena
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 15, 357-383, 2017
Survivability assessment of fastnet lighthouse
A Antonini, A Raby, JMW Brownjohn, A Pappas, D D'Ayala
Coastal Engineering 150, 18-38, 2019
Numerical modelling of Fastnet lighthouse based on experimental dynamic identification
A Pappas, D D’Ayala, A Antonini, J Brownjohn, A Raby
Int. Conf. Adv. Constr. Mater. Syst. ICAMS, 10, 2017
Experimental and numerical study of the dynamic behaviour of masonry circular arches with non-negligible tensile capacity
A Albuerne, A Pappas, M Williams, D D’Ayala
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 14 (5), 621-644, 2019
Calibration of the numerical material behaviour of multi-leaf stone masonry walls based on experimental results
A Pappas
Rocking of offshore lighthouses under extreme wave impacts: Limit analysis, analytic formulations and distinct element method
A Pappas, D D'Ayala, DT Dassanayake, A Antonini, A Raby
Engineering structures 228, 111534, 2021
A Bayesian inverse dynamic approach for impulsive wave loading reconstruction: Theory, laboratory and field application
A Antonini, JMW Brownjohn, D Dassanayake, A Raby, J Bassit, A Pappas, ...
Coastal Engineering 168, 103920, 2021
Finite element modelling and limit analysis of Fastnet lighthouse under impulsive ocean waves
A Pappas, D D’Ayala, A Antonini, A Raby
Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: An Interdisciplinary …, 2019
Review of material measures for surface topography instrument calibration and performance verification
A Pappas, L Newton, A Thompson, R Leach
Measurement Science and Technology 35 (1), 012001, 2023
Comparison of approximate methods for modelling coherence scanning interferometry
H Hooshmand, T Pahl, PJ de Groot, P Lehmann, A Pappas, R Su, ...
Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology IX 12619, 224-237, 2023
Rock mounted iconic lighthouses under extreme wave impacts: limit analysis and discrete element method
A Pappas, D D’Ayala, A Antonini, A Raby
The 9th Int. Conf. computational methods (iccm2018). See http://www. sci-en …, 2018
Influence of the spatial pressure distribution of breaking wave loading on the dynamic response of Wolf Rock Lighthouse
DT Dassanayake, A Antonini, A Pappas, A Raby, JMW Brownjohn, ...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9 (1), 55, 2021
Multi-parametric seismic vulnerability assessment of free-standing columns
A Pappas, C Previato, BQ Silva, F Da Porto, J Bonetto, C Modena
Proceedings of the SAHC2014–9th International Conference on Structural …, 2014
Calibration of a numerical material behaviour model for the simulation of multi-leaf stone masonry walls
B Silva, A Pappas, MR Valluzzi, F Porto, C Modena
Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, 575-583, 2012
Comparison of Fourier optics-based methods for modeling coherence scanning interferometry
H Hooshmand, T Pahl, PJ de Groot, P Lehmann, A Pappas, R Su, ...
Optical Engineering 63 (4), 044102-044102, 2024
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Articles 1–20