Muhammed Fatih Bulut
Muhammed Fatih Bulut
Principal Applied Scientist, Microsoft
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Cited by
Phonelab: A large programmable smartphone testbed
A Nandugudi, A Maiti, T Ki, F Bulut, M Demirbas, T Kosar, C Qiao, SY Ko, ...
Proceedings of First International Workshop on Sensing and Big Data Mining, 1-6, 2013
Crowdsourcing location-based queries
MF Bulut, YS Yilmaz, M Demirbas
2011 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2011
LineKing: Coffee Shop Wait-Time Monitoring Using Smartphones
MF Bulut, M Demirbas, H Ferhatosmanoglu
IEEE Transcations on Mobile Computing, 2015
LineKing: Crowdsourced line wait-time estimation using smartphones
MF Bulut, YS Yilmaz, M Demirbas, N Ferhatosmanoglu, ...
Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services, 205-224, 2013
GreenABR: Energy-aware adaptive bitrate streaming with deep reinforcement learning
BO Turkkan, T Dai, A Raman, T Kosar, C Chen, MF Bulut, J Zola, D Sow
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, 150-163, 2022
Group patching recommendation and/or remediation with risk assessment
MF Bulut, LM Chavez, J Hwang, V Mayo, VC Sreedhar, S Zeng
US Patent 10,649,758, 2020
Method and system to manage risk of vulnerabilities and corresponding change actions to address malware threats
S Zeng, VC Sreedhar, K Murthy, J Hwang, MH Hernandez, LM Chavez, ...
US Patent 10,778,713, 2020
Compliance process risk assessment
MF Bulut, MH Hernandez, J Hwang, CM Adam, DS Riley
US Patent 11,411,979, 2022
Cataloger: Catalog recommendation service for it change requests
AK Kalia, J Xiao, MF Bulut, M Vukovic, N Anerousis
Service-Oriented Computing: 15th International Conference, ICSOC 2017 …, 2017
Energy Efficient Proximity Alert on Android
MF Bulut, M Demirbas
Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), 2013 …, 2013
Context based risk assessment of a computing resource vulnerability
A Kanso, MF Bulut, J Hwang, S Nadgowda
US Patent 11,956,266, 2024
Dynamic automation of selection of pipeline artifacts
J Hwang, MF Bulut, A Kanso, S Nadgowda
US Patent 11,144,289, 2021
Cognitive Compliance: Analyze, Monitor and Enforce Compliance in the Cloud
MF Bulut, C Adam, M Hernandez, M Vukovic
2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 234-242, 2019
Trend Sensing via Twitter
YS Yilmaz, MF Bulut, CG Akcora, MA Bayir, M Demirbas
Int. J. of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 14, 16-26, 2013
Automatically assessing a severity of a vulnerability via social media
MF Bulut, L Chavez, J Hwang, V Mayo, M Vukovic, S Zeng
US Patent 10,601,857, 2020
Maintaining tribal knowledge for accelerated compliance control deployment
CM Adam, MF Bulut, RB Hull, A Kalia, M Vukovic, J Xiao
US Patent 10,511,554, 2019
Aggregation and queuing of communications
MF Bulut, JE Christensen, DS Marshak, AL Schirmer, AD Travis, ...
US Patent 9,043,388, 2015
Vulnerability prioritization: An offensive security approach
MF Bulut, A Adebayo, D Sow, S Ocepek
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.11182, 2022
Cross-layer optimization of big data transfer throughput and energy consumption
L Di Tacchio, MDSQZ Nine, T Kosar, MF Bulut, J Hwang
2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 25-32, 2019
Nl2vul: Natural language to standard vulnerability score for cloud security posture management
MF Bulut, J Hwang
2021 IEEE 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 566-571, 2021
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Articles 1–20