Frederic Valentin
Frederic Valentin
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Effective boundary conditions for laminar flows over periodic rough boundaries
Y Achdou, O Pironneau, F Valentin
Journal of Computational Physics 147 (1), 187-218, 1998
On an improved unusual stabilized finite element method for the advective–reactive–diffusive equation
LP Franca, F Valentin
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 190 (13-14), 1785-1800, 2000
Towards multiscale functions: enriching finite element spaces with local but not bubble-like functions
LP Franca, AL Madureira, F Valentin
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 194 (27-29), 3006-3021, 2005
Multiscale hybrid-mixed method
R Araya, C Harder, D Paredes, F Valentin
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 51 (6), 3505-3531, 2013
A family of multiscale hybrid-mixed finite element methods for the Darcy equation with rough coefficients
C Harder, D Paredes, F Valentin
Journal of Computational Physics 245, 107-130, 2013
An unusual stabilized finite element method for a generalized Stokes problem
GR Barrenechea, F Valentin
Numerische Mathematik 92, 653-677, 2002
Stabilized finite element methods based on multiscale enrichment for the Stokes problem
R Araya, GR Barrenechea, F Valentin
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 44 (1), 322-348, 2006
Rough boundaries and wall laws
B Mohammadi, O Pironneau, F Valentin
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 27 (14), 169-177, 1998
A multiscale hybrid method for Darcy’s problems using mixed finite element local solvers
O Duran, PRB Devloo, SM Gomes, F Valentin
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 354, 213-244, 2019
On a multiscale hybrid-mixed method for advective-reactive dominated problems with heterogeneous coefficients
C Harder, D Paredes, F Valentin
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 13 (2), 491-518, 2015
Consistent local projection stabilized finite element methods
GR Barrenechea, F Valentin
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 48 (5), 1801-1825, 2010
Convergence analysis of a multiscale finite element method for singularly perturbed problems
LP Franca, AL Madureira, L Tobiska, F Valentin
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 4 (3), 839-866, 2005
Asymptotics of the Poisson problem in domains with curved rough boundaries
AL Madureira, F Valentin
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 38 (5), 1450-1473, 2007
Constructing wall laws with domain decomposition or asymptotic expansion techniques
Y Achdou, P Le Tallec, F Valentin, O Pironneau
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 151 (1-2), 215-232, 1998
A Petrov–Galerkin enriched method: A mass conservative finite element method for the Darcy equation
GR Barrenechea, LP Franca, F Valentin
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 196 (21-24), 2449-2464, 2007
A hybrid-mixed method for elasticity
C Harder, AL Madureira, F Valentin
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 50 (2), 311-336, 2016
On the robustness of multiscale hybrid-mixed methods
D Paredes, F Valentin, H Versieux
Mathematics of Computation 86 (304), 525-548, 2017
Enriched finite element methods for unsteady reaction–diffusion problems
LP Franca, JVA Ramalho, F Valentin
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 22 (6), 619-625, 2006
Multiscale and residual-free bubble functions for reaction-advection-diffusion problems
L Franca, JVA Ramalho, F Valentin
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 3 (3), 2005
Multiscale hybrid-mixed method for the Stokes and Brinkman equations—the method
R Araya, C Harder, AH Poza, F Valentin
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 324, 29-53, 2017
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Articles 1–20