Jacob Beal
Cited by
Cited by
Cas9 gRNA engineering for genome editing, activation and repression
S Kiani, A Chavez, M Tuttle, RN Hall, R Chari, D Ter-Ovanesyan, J Qian, ...
Nature methods 12 (11), 1051-1054, 2015
The Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) provides a community standard for communicating designs in synthetic biology
M Galdzicki, KP Clancy, E Oberortner, M Pocock, JY Quinn, CA Rodriguez, ...
Nature biotechnology 32 (6), 545-550, 2014
Aggregate programming for the internet of things
J Beal, D Pianini, M Viroli
Computer 48 (9), 22-30, 2015
Infrastructure for engineered emergence on sensor/actuator networks
J Beal, J Bachrach
IEEE Intelligent Systems 21 (2), 10-19, 2006
CRISPR transcriptional repression devices and layered circuits in mammalian cells
S Kiani, J Beal, MR Ebrahimkhani, J Huh, RN Hall, Z Xie, Y Li, R Weiss
Nature methods 11 (7), 723-726, 2014
Robust estimation of bacterial cell count from optical density
J Beal, NG Farny, T Haddock-Angelli, V Selvarajah, GS Baldwin, ...
Communications biology 3 (1), 512, 2020
CIDAR MoClo: Improved MoClo Assembly Standard and New E. coli Part Library Enable Rapid Combinatorial Design for Synthetic and Traditional Biology
SV Iverson, TL Haddock, J Beal, DM Densmore
ACS synthetic biology 5 (1), 99-103, 2016
Organizing the aggregate: Languages for spatial computing
J Beal, S Dulman, K Usbeck, M Viroli, N Correll
Formal and Practical Aspects of Domain-Specific Languages: Recent …, 2013
Protelis: practical aggregate programming
D Pianini, M Viroli, J Beal
Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1846-1853, 2015
Automatic compilation from high-level biologically-oriented programming language to genetic regulatory networks
J Beal, T Lu, R Weiss
PloS one 6 (8), e22490, 2011
Robotic fabricator
AM Mozeika, A Adler, F Yaman-Sirin, J Beal
US Patent App. 13/530,664, 2013
Engineering resilient collective adaptive systems by self-stabilisation
M Viroli, G Audrito, J Beal, F Damiani, D Pianini
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 28 (2), 1-28, 2018
An end-to-end workflow for engineering of biological networks from high-level specifications
J Beal, R Weiss, D Densmore, A Adler, E Appleton, J Babb, S Bhatia, ...
ACS synthetic biology 1 (8), 317-331, 2012
Composable continuous-space programs for robotic swarms
J Bachrach, J Beal, J McLurkin
Neural Computing and Applications 19, 825-847, 2010
A higher-order calculus of computational fields
G Audrito, M Viroli, F Damiani, D Pianini, J Beal
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 20 (1), 1-55, 2019
Sharing structure and function in biological design with SBOL 2.0
N Roehner, J Beal, K Clancy, B Bartley, G Misirli, R Grunberg, ...
ACS synthetic biology 5 (6), 498-506, 2016
SBOL visual: a graphical language for genetic designs
JY Quinn, RS Cox III, A Adler, J Beal, S Bhatia, Y Cai, J Chen, K Clancy, ...
PLoS biology 13 (12), e1002310, 2015
From distributed coordination to field calculus and aggregate computing
M Viroli, J Beal, F Damiani, G Audrito, R Casadei, D Pianini
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 109, 100486, 2019
Methods and apparatus for energy demand management
JS Beal, JR Bachrach
US Patent 8,271,147, 2012
Quantification of bacterial fluorescence using independent calibrants
J Beal, T Haddock-Angelli, G Baldwin, M Gershater, A Dwijayanti, ...
PloS one 13 (6), e0199432, 2018
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Articles 1–20