Prof. Dr. Md. Anwar Hossain (ORCiD:0000-0001-8215-780X)
Prof. Dr. Md. Anwar Hossain (ORCiD:0000-0001-8215-780X)
Senior Member IEEE and Professor, EEE Department, BUBT
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Cited by
Cited by
Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Modified -Shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber for Wider Range of Refractive Index Detection
E Haque, MA Hossain, F Ahmed, Y Namihira
IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (20), 8287-8293, 2018
Dual-core photonic crystal fiber-based plasmonic RI sensor in the visible to near-IR operating band
M Al Mahfuz, MA Hossain, E Haque, NH Hai, Y Namihira, F Ahmed
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (14), 7692-7700, 2020
Proposal for highly birefringent broadband dispersion compensating octagonal photonic crystal fiber
MS Habib, MS Habib, SMA Razzak, MA Hossain
Optical Fiber Technology 19 (5), 461-467, 2013
Microchannel Based Plasmonic Refractive Index Sensor for Low Refractive Index Detection
FA E. Haque, M. A. Hossain, Y. Namihira
Applied Optics, Optical Society of America (OSA) 58 (6), 1547-1554, 2019
Highly sensitive dual-core PCF based plasmonic refractive index sensor for low refractive index detection
E Haque, S Mahmuda, MA Hossain, NH Hai, Y Namihira, F Ahmed
IEEE photonics journal 11 (5), 1-9, 2019
Low loss single-mode porous-core kagome photonic crystal fiber for THz wave guidance
GKM Hasanuzzaman, M Selim Habib, SM Abdur Razzak, MA Hossain, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 33 (19), 4027-4031, 2015
A bimetallic-coated, low propagation loss, photonic crystal fiber based plasmonic refractive index sensor
MA Mahfuz, MA Hossain, E Haque, NH Hai, Y Namihira, F Ahmed
Sensors 19 (17), 3794, 2019
Broadband dispersion compensation of conventional single mode fibers using microstructure optical fibers
MS Habib, MS Habib, SMA Razzak, Y Namihira, MA Hossain, MAG Khan
Optik 124 (19), 3851-3855, 2013
Highly sensitive D-shaped plasmonic refractive index sensor for a broad range of refractive index detection
E Haque, A Al Noman, MA Hossain, NH Hai, Y Namihira, F Ahmed
IEEE Photonics Journal 13 (1), 1-11, 2021
Design of all normal dispersion highly nonlinear photonic crystal fibers for supercontinuum light sources: Applications to optical coherence tomography systems
MA Hossain, Y Namihira, SMA Razzak, MA Islam, J Liu, SF Kaijage, ...
Optics & Laser Technology 44 (4), 976-980, 2012
Sensitivity enhancement of modified D-shaped microchannel PCF-based surface plasmon resonance sensor
AA Noman, E Haque, MA Hossain, NH Hai, Y Namihira, F Ahmed
Sensors 20 (21), 6049, 2020
Tailoring supercontinuum generation using highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber
MA Hossain, Y Namihira, MA Islam, SMA Razzak, Y Hirako, K Miyagi, ...
Optics & Laser Technology 44 (6), 1889-1896, 2012
Polarization maintaining highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber for supercontinuum generation at 1.55 μm
MA Hossain, Y Namihira, MA Islam, Y Hirako
Optics & Laser Technology 44 (5), 1261-1269, 2012
Polarization maintaining large nonlinear coefficient photonic crystal fibers using rotational hybrid cladding
MS Habib, MS Habib, MI Hasan, SMA Razzak, MA Hossain, Y Namihira
Optik 125 (3), 1011-1015, 2014
Design of highly nonlinear octagonal photonic crystal fiber with near-zero flattened dispersion at 1.31 μm waveband
Y Namihira, J Liu, T Koga, F Begum, MA Hossain, N Zou, SF Kaijage, ...
Optical review 18, 436-440, 2011
Ultra-sensitive visible-IR range fiber based plasmonic sensor: a finite-element analysis and deep learning approach for RI prediction
M Al Mahfuz, S Afroj, A Rahman, MA Hossain, MA Hossain, MS Habib
IEEE Access, 2024
Microchannel-embedded D-shaped photonic crystal fiber-based highly sensitive plasmonic biosensor
J Mawa Nijhum, T Ahmed, MA Hossain, J Atai, NH Hai
Applied Sciences 12 (9), 4122, 2022
Light source design using Kagome-lattice hollow core photonic crystal fibers
MA Hossain, Y Namihira
Optical Review 21, 490-495, 2014
Designing birefringence of index-guiding non-hexagonal photonic crystal fibers
SMA Razzak, Y Namihira, MA Hossain, A Khaleque
Journal of Optics 40, 56-64, 2011
Design of highly nonlinear dispersion flattened hexagonal photonic crystal fibers for dental optical coherence tomography applications
Y Namihira, MA Hossain, T Koga, MA Islam, SMA Razzak, SF Kaijage, ...
Optical review 19, 78-81, 2012
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Articles 1–20