Şaban Öztürk
Şaban Öztürk
Associate Professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
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Cited by
Coronavirus (covid-19) classification using ct images by machine learning methods
M Barstugan, U Ozkaya, S Ozturk
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.09424, 2020
Unsupervised medical image translation with adversarial diffusion models
M Özbey, O Dalmaz, SUH Dar, HA Bedel, Ş Özturk, A Güngör, T Çukur
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2023
Coronavirus (COVID-19) classification using deep features fusion and ranking technique
U Özkaya, Ş Öztürk, M Barstugan
Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Against COVID-19: Innovation …, 2020
Application of feature extraction and classification methods for histopathological image using GLCM, LBP, LBGLCM, GLRLM and SFTA
Ş Öztürk, B Akdemir
Procedia computer science 132, 40-46, 2018
Adaptive diffusion priors for accelerated MRI reconstruction
A Güngör, SUH Dar, Ş Öztürk, Y Korkmaz, HA Bedel, G Elmas, M Ozbey, ...
Medical image analysis 88, 102872, 2023
Classification of Coronavirus (COVID‐19) from X‐ray and CT images using shrunken features
Ş Öztürk, U Özkaya, M Barstuğan
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 31 (1), 5-15, 2021
Skin lesion segmentation with improved convolutional neural network
Ş Öztürk, U Özkaya
Journal of digital imaging 33, 958-970, 2020
Stacked auto-encoder based tagging with deep features for content-based medical image retrieval
Ş Öztürk
Expert Systems with Applications 161, 113693, 2020
Variants of Artificial Bee Colony algorithm and its applications in medical image processing
Ş Öztürk, R Ahmad, N Akhtar
Applied Soft Computing 97, 106799, 2020
Comparison of edge detection algorithms for texture analysis on glass production
Ş Öztürk, B Akdemir
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 195, 2675-2682, 2015
A novel hybrid deep learning approach including combination of 1D power signals and 2D signal images for power quality disturbance classification
H Sindi, M Nour, M Rawa, Ş Öztürk, K Polat
Expert Systems with Applications 174, 114785, 2021
Residual LSTM layered CNN for classification of gastrointestinal tract diseases
Ş Öztürk, U Özkaya
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 113, 103638, 2021
Gastrointestinal tract classification using improved LSTM based CNN
Ş Öztürk, U Özkaya
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79 (39), 28825-28840, 2020
Deep clustering via center-oriented margin free-triplet loss for skin lesion detection in highly imbalanced datasets
Ş Öztürk, T Çukur
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 26 (9), 4679-4690, 2022
Effects of histopathological image pre-processing on convolutional neural networks
Ş Öztürk, B Akdemir
Procedia computer science 132, 396-403, 2018
HIC-net: A deep convolutional neural network model for classification of histopathological breast images
Ş Öztürk, B Akdemir
Computers & Electrical Engineering 76, 299-310, 2019
Residual CNN+ Bi-LSTM model to analyze GPR B scan images
U Özkaya, Ş Öztürk, F Melgani, L Seyfi
Automation in Construction 123, 103525, 2021
Coronavirus (covid-19) classification using ct images by machine learning methods. arXiv 2020
M Barstugan, U Ozkaya, S Ozturk
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.09424, 0
Class-driven content-based medical image retrieval using hash codes of deep features
Ş Öztürk
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 68, 102601, 2021
Automatic Detection of Power Quality Disturbance Using Convolutional Neural Network Structure with Gated Recurrent Unit
E Yiğit, U Özkaya, Ş Öztürk, D Singh, H Gritli
Mobile Information Systems 2021, 7917500, 2021
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Articles 1–20