Reetam  Biswas
Reetam Biswas
bp, Numerical Algorithm Group, The University of Texas at Austin, IIT Kharagpur
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Cited by
Prestack and poststack inversion using a physics-guided convolutional neural network
R Biswas, MK Sen, V Das, T Mukerji
Interpretation 7 (3), SE161-SE174, 2019
Transdimensional seismic inversion using the reversible jump Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm
MK Sen, R Biswas
Geophysics 82 (3), R119-R134, 2017
2D full-waveform inversion and uncertainty estimation using the reversible jump Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
R Biswas, M Sen
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2017-17680416, 2017
Stacking velocity estimation using recurrent neural network
R Biswas, A Vassiliou, R Stromberg, MK Sen
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2018-2997208, 2018
Borehole acoustic imaging using 3D STC and ray tracing to determine far-field reflector dip and azimuth
N Bennett, A Donald, S Ghadiry, M Nassar, R Kumar, R Biswas
Petrophysics 60 (02), 335-347, 2019
Choice of regularization weight in basis pursuit reflectivity inversion
MK Sen, R Biswas
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 12 (1), 70-79, 2015
Estimating normal moveout velocity using the recurrent neural network
R Biswas, A Vassiliou, R Stromberg, MK Sen
Interpretation 7 (4), T819-T827, 2019
Pre-stack inversion using a physics-guided convolutional neural network
R Biswas, MK Sen, V Das, T Mukerji
SEG international exposition and annual meeting, D043S152R007, 2019
Prestack and poststack inversion using a physics-guided convolutional neural network: Interpretation, 7
R Biswas, MK Sen, V Das, T Mukerji
SE161–SE174, 2019
Basis pursuit receiver function
MK Sen, R Biswas, P Mandal, P Kumar
Bulletin of the seismological society of America 104 (6), 2673-2682, 2014
Transdimensional 2D full-waveform inversion and uncertainty estimation
R Biswas, MK Sen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.09334, 2022
Density inversion from seismic using a trans-dimensional approach: A field dataset example
R Biswas, D Kumar, M Sen, A Paul, K Packer
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, D023S004R001, 2019
Transdimensional seismic inversion using the reversible jump Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm. Geophysics 82: R119–R134
MK Sen, R Biswas
Stacking velocity estimation using recurrent neural network: 88th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 2241–2245, doi: 10.1190/segam2018-2997208.1
R Biswas, A Vassiliou, R Stromberg, MK Sen
Abstract, 2018
2D full-waveform inversion and uncertainty estimation using the reversible jump Hamiltonian Monte Carlo: 87th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1280–1285 …
R Biswas, M Sen
Abstract, 2017
Bayesian integrated reservoir characterization, BIRCh, and its application to the Raven Field
P Paramo, K Wolf, J Zhang, R Biswas, M Walker, J Winterbourne, A Roy, ...
84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition 2023 (1), 1-5, 2023
Bayesian AVA elastic seismic inversion using Stein variational gradient descent (SVGD)
R Biswas, M Walker, J Zhang, P Paramo, K Wolf, S Gerth, J Winterbourne, ...
84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition 2023 (1), 1-5, 2023
Facies‐constrained transdimensional amplitude versus angle inversion using machine learning assisted priors
A Dhara, MK Sen, R Biswas
Geophysical Prospecting 71 (4), 590-613, 2023
Pre-stack trans-dimensional seismic inversion
R Biswas*, MK Sen
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2015, 3492-3496, 2015
Gaussian mixture models as priors in a gradient-based variational algorithm for Bayesian elastic inversion
M Walker, P Paramo, K Wolf, J Zhang, R Biswas, C Decalf, S Gerth, ...
84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition 2023 (1), 1-5, 2023
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Articles 1–20