Jessica Alquist
Jessica Alquist
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Cited by
High trait self-control predicts positive health behaviors and success in weight loss
A Will Crescioni, J Ehrlinger, JL Alquist, KE Conlon, RF Baumeister, ...
Journal of health psychology 16 (5), 750-759, 2011
Is there a downside to good self-control?
RF Baumeister, JL Alquist
Self and Identity 8 (2-3), 115-130, 2009
Determined to conform: Disbelief in free will increases conformity
JL Alquist, SE Ainsworth, RF Baumeister
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (1), 80-86, 2013
A multi-site preregistered paradigmatic test of the ego depletion effect
D Vohs, K.D., Schmeichel, B.J., Lohmann, S.,...Alquist, J. L.,...Albarracín
Psychological Science, 2021
Free will as advanced action control for human social life and culture
RF Baumeister, AW Crescioni, JL Alquist
Neuroethics 4, 1-11, 2011
Self-regulation as a limited resource: Strength model of control and depletion
RF Baumeister, JL Alquist
Psychology of self-regulation, 21-33, 2011
The making of might-have-beens: Effects of free will belief on counterfactual thinking
JL Alquist, SE Ainsworth, RF Baumeister, M Daly, TF Stillman
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 41 (2), 268-283, 2015
Does emotion cause behavior (apart from making people do stupid, destructive things)
RF Baumeister, CN DeWall, KD Vohs, JL Alquist
Then a miracle occurs: Focusing on behavior in social psychological theory …, 2010
Illusions of learning: Irrelevant emotions inflate judgments of learning
RF Baumeister, JL Alquist, KD Vohs
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 28 (2), 149-158, 2015
Ego depletion and the limited resource model of self-control
NL Mead, JL Alquist, RF Baumeister
Self control in society, mind, and brain, 375-388, 2010
Women’s fertility status alters other women’s jealousy and mate guarding
AC Hurst, JL Alquist, DA Puts
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43 (2), 191-203, 2017
Personal conflict impairs performance on an unrelated self-control task: Lingering costs of uncertainty and conflict
JL Alquist, RF Baumeister, I McGregor, TJ Core, I Benjamin, DM Tice
Journal of experimental social psychology 74, 157-160, 2018
Self-controlled responses to COVID-19: Self-control and uncertainty predict responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
JE Rodriguez, HL Holmes, JL Alquist, L Uziel, AJ Stinnett
Current Psychology, 1-15, 2021
Self‐control: limited resources and extensive benefits
J Alquist, RF Baumeister
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 3 (3), 419-423, 2012
Born fat: The relations between weight changeability beliefs and health behaviors and physical health
MC Parent, JL Alquist
Health Education & Behavior 43 (3), 337-346, 2016
What you don’t know can hurt you: Uncertainty impairs executive function
JL Alquist, RF Baumeister, DM Tice, TJ Core
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 576001, 2020
Self-control and addiction.
JL Alquist, RF Baumeister
American Psychological Association, 2012
The pragmatic structure of indeterminacy: Mapping possibilities as context for action
RF Baumeister, JL Alquist
Possibility Studies & Society 1 (1-2), 15-20, 2023
Life is uncertain, eat dessert first: Uncertainty causes controlled and unemotional eaters to consume more sweets
TJ Core, MM Price, JL Alquist, RF Baumeister, DM Tice
Appetite 131, 68-72, 2018
Dealing with uncertain situations
JL Alquist, RF Baumeister
The Journal of Positive Psychology, 1-24, 2023
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