Sebastian Volz
Sebastian Volz
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Radiative heat transfer at the nanoscale
E Rousseau, A Siria, G Jourdan, S Volz, F Comin, J Chevrier, JJ Greffet
Nature photonics 3 (9), 514-517, 2009
Molecular dynamics simulation of thermal conductivity of silicon nanowires
SG Volz, G Chen
Applied Physics Letters 75 (14), 2056-2058, 1999
Molecular-dynamics simulation of thermal conductivity of silicon crystals
SG Volz, G Chen
Physical Review B 61 (4), 2651, 2000
Turning carbon nanotubes from exceptional heat conductors into insulators
RS Prasher, XJ Hu, Y Chalopin, N Mingo, K Lofgreen, S Volz, F Cleri, ...
Physical Review Letters 102 (10), 105901, 2009
Heat transfer between two nanoparticles through near field interaction
G Domingues, S Volz, K Joulain, JJ Greffet
Physical review letters 94 (8), 085901, 2005
Role of anharmonic phonon scattering in the spectrally decomposed thermal conductance at planar interfaces
K Sääskilahti, J Oksanen, J Tulkki, S Volz
Physical Review B 90 (13), 134312, 2014
Effects of spatial dispersion in near-field radiative heat transfer between two parallel metallic surfaces
PO Chapuis, S Volz, C Henkel, K Joulain, JJ Greffet
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (3), 035431, 2008
Heat conduction tuning by wave nature of phonons
J Maire, R Anufriev, R Yanagisawa, A Ramiere, S Volz, M Nomura
Science advances 3 (8), e1700027, 2017
Frequency-dependent phonon mean free path in carbon nanotubes from nonequilibrium molecular dynamics
K Sääskilahti, J Oksanen, S Volz, J Tulkki
Physical Review B 91 (11), 115426, 2015
Graphene related materials for thermal management
Y Fu, J Hansson, Y Liu, S Chen, A Zehri, MK Samani, N Wang, Y Ni, ...
2D Materials 7 (1), 012001, 2020
Nanophononics: state of the art and perspectives
S Volz, J Ordonez-Miranda, A Shchepetov, M Prunnila, J Ahopelto, ...
The European Physical Journal B 89, 1-20, 2016
Blocking phonon transport by structural resonances in alloy-based nanophononic metamaterials leads to ultralow thermal conductivity
S Xiong, K Sääskilahti, YA Kosevich, H Han, D Donadio, S Volz
Physical review letters 117 (2), 025503, 2016
Thermal interface conductance in Si/Ge superlattices by equilibrium molecular dynamics
Y Chalopin, K Esfarjani, A Henry, S Volz, G Chen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (19), 195302, 2012
3ω-scanning thermal microscope
S Lefèvre, S Volz
Review of scientific instruments 76 (3), 2005
Carbon nanotube microarchitectures for enhanced thermal conduction at ultralow mass fraction in polymer composites
M Bozlar, D He, J Bai, Y Chalopin, N Mingo, S Volz
Advanced materials 22 (14), 1654-1658, 2010
Functionalization mediates heat transport in graphene nanoflakes
H Han, Y Zhang, N Wang, MK Samani, Y Ni, ZY Mijbil, M Edwards, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 11281, 2016
Computation of thermal conductivity of Si/Ge superlattices by molecular dynamics techniques
S Volz, JB Saulnier, G Chen, P Beauchamp
Microelectronics Journal 31 (9-10), 815-819, 2000
Microscale and nanoscale heat transfer
P Chantrenne, S Dilhaire, S Gomez, N Trannoy, G Tessier
Springer, 2007
Improved heat spreading performance of functionalized graphene in microelectronic device application
Y Zhang, H Han, N Wang, P Zhang, Y Fu, M Murugesan, M Edwards, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 25 (28), 4430-4435, 2015
Transient Fourier-law deviation by molecular dynamics in solid argon
S Volz, JB Saulnier, M Lallemand, B Perrin, P Depondt, M Mareschal
Physical review B 54 (1), 340, 1996
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Articles 1–20