Ming Ha Lee
Cited by
Cited by
Economic and economic statistical designs of the synthetic X chart using loss functions
WC Yeong, MBC Khoo, MH Lee, MA Rahim
European Journal of Operational Research 228 (3), 571-581, 2013
Synthetic-type control charts for time-between-events monitoring
FY Yen, KMB Chong, LM Ha
PloS one 8 (6), e65440, 2013
Optimal designs of the double sampling X chart with estimated parameters
MBC Khoo, WL Teoh, P Castagliola, MH Lee
International Journal of Production Economics 144 (1), 345-357, 2013
One-sided control charts for monitoring the multivariate coefficient of variation in short production runs
M Khatun, MBC Khoo, MH Lee, P Castagliola
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 41 (6), 1712-1728, 2019
Optimal statistical design of a multivariate EWMA chart based on ARL and MRL
MH Lee, MBC Khoo
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 35 (3), 831-847, 2006
A direct procedure for monitoring the coefficient of variation using a variable sample size scheme
WC Yeong, MBC Khoo, SL Lim, MH Lee
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 46 (6), 4210-4225, 2017
A variable sample size and sampling interval control chart for monitoring the process mean using auxiliary information
S Saha, MBC Khoo, MH Lee, A Haq
Quality Technology & Quantitative Management 16 (4), 389-406, 2019
The exact run length distribution and design of the Shewhart chart with estimated parameters based on median run length
WL Teoh, MBC Khoo, P Castagliola, MH Lee
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 45 (6), 2081-2103, 2016
Optimal statistical designs of a multivariate CUSUM chart based on ARL and MRL
MH Lee, MBC Khoo
International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering 13 (05 …, 2006
Multivariate synthetic| S| control chart with variable sampling interval
MH Lee, MBC Khoo
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 44 (4), 924-942, 2015
A side-sensitive modified group runs double sampling (SSMGRDS) control chart for detecting mean shifts
S Saha, MBC Khoo, MH Lee, P Castagliola
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 47 (5), 1353-1369, 2018
Synthetic Double Sampling Chart with Estimated Process Parameters
HW You, MBC Khoo, MH Lee, P Castagliola
Quality Technology & Quantitative Management 12 (4), 579-604, 2015
Optimal design of synthetic np control chart based on median run length
MH Lee, MBC Khoo
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 46 (17), 8544-8556, 2017
Optimal designs of multivariate synthetic| S| control chart based on median run length
MH Lee, MBC Khoo
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 46 (6), 3034-3053, 2017
An optimal control procedure based on multivariate synthetic cumulative sum
MH Lee, MBC Khoo, M Xie
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 30 (7), 1049-1058, 2014
Synthetic double sampling s chart
MH Lee, MBC Khoo
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 46 (12), 5914-5931, 2017
Economically optimal design of a multivariate synthetic T 2 chart
WC Yeong, MBC Khoo, MH Lee, MA Rahim
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 43 (6), 1333-1361, 2014
The design of the multivariate synthetic exponentially weighted moving average control chart
MH Lee
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 41 (10), 1785-1793, 2012
Economic-statistical design of control chart with runs rules for correlation within sample
MH Lee, MBC Khoo
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 47 (10), 2849-2864, 2018
Double sampling| S| control chart with variable sample size and variable sampling interval
MH Lee, MBC Khoo
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 47 (2), 615-628, 2018
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Articles 1–20