Uğur Murat Erdem
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Cited by
Automated camera layout to satisfy task-specific and floor plan-specific coverage requirements
UM Erdem, S Sclaroff
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 103 (3), 156-169, 2006
A goal‐directed spatial navigation model using forward trajectory planning based on grid cells
UM Erdem, M Hasselmo
European Journal of Neuroscience 35 (6), 916-931, 2012
Hippocampus and retrosplenial cortex combine path integration signals for successful navigation
KR Sherrill, UM Erdem, RS Ross, TI Brown, ME Hasselmo, CE Stern
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (49), 19304-19313, 2013
Optimal placement of cameras in floorplans to satisfy task requirements and cost constraints
UM Erdem, S Sclaroff
Omnivis2004, The fifth Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks …, 2004
A biologically inspired hierarchical goal directed navigation model
UM Erdem, ME Hasselmo
Journal of Physiology-Paris 108 (1), 28-37, 2014
Functional connections between optic flow areas and navigationally responsive brain regions during goal-directed navigation
KR Sherrill, ER Chrastil, RS Ross, UM Erdem, ME Hasselmo, CE Stern
Neuroimage 118, 386-396, 2015
Automatic detection of relevant head gestures in American Sign Language communication
UM Erdem, S Sclaroff
2002 International Conference on Pattern Recognition 1, 460-463, 2002
A hierarchical model of goal directed navigation selects trajectories in a visual environment
UM Erdem, MJ Milford, ME Hasselmo
Neurobiology of learning and memory 117, 109-121, 2015
Look there! predicting where to look for motion in an active camera network
UM Erdem, S Sclaroff
IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2005., 105-110, 2005
Automated placement of cameras in a floorplan to satisfy task-specific constraints
UM Erdem, S Sclaroff
Boston University, Boston December 2003, 2003
Multi-scale bio-inspired place recognition
Z Chen, A Jacobson, UM Erdem, ME Hasselmo, M Milford
2014 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 1895-1901, 2014
Context aware surveillance system using a hybrid sensor network
CR Wren, UM Erdem, AJ Azarbayejani
US Patent 7,619,647, 2009
Automatic pan-tilt-zoom calibration in the presence of hybrid sensor networks
CR Wren, UM Erdem, AJ Azarbayejani
Proceedings of the third ACM international workshop on Video surveillance …, 2005
Event prediction in a hybrid camera network
UM Erdem, S Sclaroff
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 8 (2), 1-27, 2012
Modeling of grid cell activity demonstrates in vivo entorhinal ‘look-ahead’properties
K Gupta, UM Erdem, ME Hasselmo
Neuroscience 247, 395-411, 2013
Functional calibration for pan-tilt-zoom cameras in hybrid sensor networks
CR Wren, UM Erdem, AJ Azarbayejani
Multimedia Systems 12 (3), 255-268, 2006
Towards bio-inspired place recognition over multiple spatial scales
Z Chen, A Jacobson, U Erdem, ME Hasselmo, M Milford
Australasian conference on robotics and automation, 2013
2D object recognition using implicit polynomials and algebraic invariants
UM Erdem, H Civi, A Ercil
MELECON'98. 9th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. Proceedings (Cat …, 1998
Spatial and episodic memory
UM Erdem, N Roy, JJ Leonard, ME Hasselmo
Living machines: A handbook of research in biomimetics and biohybrid systems, 2018
Optimal placement and event prediction in a hybrid camera network with minimum knowledge
UM Erdem
Boston University, 2008
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Articles 1–20