Shi Bai
Cited by
Cited by
A subfield lattice attack on overstretched NTRU assumptions: Cryptanalysis of some FHE and graded encoding schemes
M Albrecht, S Bai, L Ducas
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 153-178, 2016
V Lyubashevsky, L Ducas, E Kiltz, T Lepoint, P Schwabe, G Seiler, ...
Algorithm Specifications and Supporting Documentation, 2020
An improved compression technique for signatures based on learning with errors
S Bai, SD Galbraith
Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference, 28-47, 2014
Improved security proofs in lattice-based cryptography: using the Rényi divergence rather than the statistical distance
S Bai, A Langlois, T Lepoint, D Stehlé, R Steinfeld
International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and …, 2015
Crystals-dilithium algorithm specifications and supporting documentation (version 3.1)
S Bai, L Ducas, E Kiltz, T Lepoint, V Lyubashevsky, P Schwabe, G Seiler, ...
NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Round 3, 2021
Lattice decoding attacks on binary LWE
S Bai, SD Galbraith
Information Security and Privacy: 19th Australasian Conference, ACISP 2014 …, 2014
Tuple lattice sieving
S Bai, T Laarhoven, D Stehlé
LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics 19 (A), 146-162, 2016
Measuring, simulating and exploiting the head concavity phenomenon in BKZ
S Bai, D Stehlé, W Wen
Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2018: 24th International Conference on the …, 2018
On the efficiency of Pollard's rho method for discrete logarithms
S Bai, RP Brent
Proceedings of the fourteenth symposium on Computing: the Australasian …, 2008
Faster Enumeration-Based Lattice Reduction: Root Hermite Factor Time
MR Albrecht, S Bai, PA Fouque, P Kirchner, D Stehlé, W Wen
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 186-212, 2020
fplll-4.0, a floating-point LLL implementation
M Albrecht, S Bai, D Cadé, X Pujol, D Stehlé
URL: http://perso. ens-lyon. fr/damien. stehle, 2017
Lattice reduction with approximate enumeration oracles: practical algorithms and concrete performance
MR Albrecht, S Bai, J Li, J Rowell
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 732-759, 2021
Better polynomials for GNFS
S Bai, C Bouvier, A Kruppa, P Zimmermann
Mathematics of Computation 85 (298), 861-873, 2016
Improved reduction from the Bounded Distance Decoding problem to the unique Shortest Vector Problem in lattices
S Bai, D Stehlé, W Wen
43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP …, 2016
Polynomial selection for the number field sieve
S Bai
The Australian National University, 2011
A Refined Analysis of the Cost for Solving LWE via uSVP
S Bai, S Miller, W Wen
International Conference on Cryptology in Africa, 181-205, 2019
Improved combinatorial algorithms for the inhomogeneous short integer solution problem
S Bai, SD Galbraith, L Li, D Sheffield
Journal of Cryptology 32, 35-83, 2019
Crystals-dilithium-algorithm specifications and supporting documentation (version 3.1)(2021)
S Bai, L Ducas, E Kiltz, T Lepoint, V Lyubashevsky, P Schwabe, G Seiler, ...
URL: https://www. pq-crystals. org/dilithium/data/dilithium-specification …, 2021
CRYSTALS-Dilithium: algorithm specifications and supporting documentation
V Lyubashevsky, L Ducas, E Kiltz, T Lepoint, P Schwabe, G Seiler, ...
NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Round 3, 2020
Root optimization of polynomials in the number field sieve
S Bai, R Brent, E Thomé
Mathematics of Computation 84 (295), 2447-2457, 2015
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Articles 1–20