mike puso
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Cited by
A mortar segment-to-segment contact method for large deformation solid mechanics
MA Puso, TA Laursen
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 193 (6-8), 601-629, 2004
Meshfree and finite element nodal integration methods
MA Puso, JS Chen, E Zywicz, W Elmer
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 74 (3), 416-446, 2008
A 3D mortar method for solid mechanics
MA Puso
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 59 (3), 315-336, 2004
A mortar segment-to-segment frictional contact method for large deformations
MA Puso, TA Laursen
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 193 (45-47), 4891-4913, 2004
Finite element implementation of anisotropic quasi-linear viscoelasticity using a discrete spectrum approximation
MA Puso, JA Weiss
A stabilized nodally integrated tetrahedral
MA Puso, J Solberg
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 67 (6), 841-867, 2006
A 3D contact smoothing method using Gregory patches
MA Puso, TA Laursen
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 54 (8), 1161-1194, 2002
A segment-to-segment mortar contact method for quadratic elements and large deformations
MA Puso, TA Laursen, J Solberg
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 197 (6-8), 555-566, 2008
A highly efficient enhanced assumed strain physically stabilized hexahedral element
MA Puso
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 49 (8), 1029-1064, 2000
ALE3D: An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian multi-physics code
CR Noble, AT Anderson, NR Barton, JA Bramwell, A Capps, MH Chang, ...
Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States), 2017
A new dual mortar method for curved interfaces: 2D elasticity
B Flemisch, MA Puso, BI Wohlmuth
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 63 (6), 813-832, 2005
A Nitsche embedded mesh method
JD Sanders, TA Laursen, MA Puso
Computational Mechanics 49, 243-257, 2012
Mortar contact formulations for deformable–deformable contact: past contributions and new extensions for enriched and embedded interface formulations
TA Laursen, MA Puso, J Sanders
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 205, 3-15, 2012
Maximum-entropy meshfree method for compressible and near-incompressible elasticity
A Ortiz, MA Puso, N Sukumar
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199 (25-28), 1859-1871, 2010
Mesh tying on curved interfaces in 3D
MA Puso, TA Laursen
Engineering Computations 20 (3), 305-319, 2003
Strain smoothing for stabilization and regularization of Galerkin meshfree methods
JS Chen, W Hu, MA Puso, Y Wu, X Zhang
Meshfree methods for partial differential equations III, 57-75, 2007
Mechanistic constitutive models for rubber elasticity and viscoelasticity
M Puso
Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States), 2003
Maximum-entropy meshfree method for incompressible media problems
A Ortiz, MA Puso, N Sukumar
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 47 (6), 572-585, 2011
An embedded mesh method for treating overlapping finite element meshes
J Sanders, MA Puso
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 91 (3), 289-305, 2012
An embedded mesh method in a multiple material ALE
MA Puso, J Sanders, R Settgast, B Liu
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 245, 273-289, 2012
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Articles 1–20