Umer Farooq
Umer Farooq
Air University, Department of Mechatronics
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Cited by
EMG based control of transhumeral prosthesis using machine learning algorithms
NY Sattar, Z Kausar, SA Usama, U Farooq, US Khan
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 19, 3522-3532, 2021
Improved automatic localization of optic disc in Retinal Fundus using image enhancement techniques and SVM
U Farooq, NY Sattar
2015 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and …, 2015
fNIRS-Based Upper Limb Motion Intention Recognition Using an Artificial Neural Network for Transhumeral Amputees
NY Sattar, Z Kausar, SA Usama, U Farooq, MF Shah, S Muhammad, ...
Sensors 22 (3), 726, 2022
Enhancing Classification Accuracy of Transhumeral Prosthesis: A Hybrid sEMG and fNIRS Approach
NY Sattar, Z Kausar, SA Usama, N Naseer, U Farooq, A Abdullah, ...
IEEE Access 9, 113246-113257, 2021
EMG control of a 3D printed myo electric prosthetic hand
U Farooq, U Ghani, SA Usama, YS Neelum
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 635 (1), 012022, 2019
Inverse Kinematic Model and Simulation of a Prosthetic Upper Limb
NY Sattar, U Farooq, Z Kausar, LA Khan
2015 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and …, 2015
Fast prototyping of image processing application on android platform focused on PDF417 decoder
M Ahmad, KB Bajwa, R Saleem, F Umer
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 23 (4), 596-602, 2015
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Articles 1–7