Donovan Ellis
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Cited by
Dissecting spear phishing emails for older vs young adults: On the interplay of weapons of influence and life domains in predicting susceptibility to phishing
D Oliveira, H Rocha, H Yang, D Ellis, S Dommaraju, M Muradoglu, D Weir, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 chi conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2017
Susceptibility to spear-phishing emails: Effects of internet user demographics and email content
T Lin, DE Capecci, DM Ellis, HA Rocha, S Dommaraju, DS Oliveira, ...
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 26 (5), 1-28, 2019
{API} blindspots: Why experienced developers write vulnerable code
DS Oliveira, T Lin, MS Rahman, R Akefirad, D Ellis, E Perez, R Bobhate, ...
Fourteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2018), 315-328, 2018
Uncovering susceptibility risk to online deception in aging
NC Ebner, DM Ellis, T Lin, HA Rocha, H Yang, S Dommaraju, A Soliman, ...
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 75 (3), 522-533, 2020
Culturally adapted digital mental health interventions for ethnic/racial minorities: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
DM Ellis, AA Draheim, PL Anderson
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 90 (10), 717, 2022
Empirical analysis of weapons of influence, life domains, and demographic-targeting in modern spam: an age-comparative perspective
DS Oliveira, T Lin, H Rocha, D Ellis, S Dommaraju, H Yang, D Weir, ...
Crime science 8, 1-14, 2019
Improving acceptability and uptake behavior for internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy
A Molloy, DM Ellis, L Su, PL Anderson
Frontiers in Digital Health 3, 653686, 2021
How racially concordant therapists and culturally responsive online profiles impact treatment-seeking among Black and White Americans.
DM Ellis, AD Guastello, PL Anderson, JPH McNamara
Practice Innovations 4 (2), 75, 2019
Dissecting Spear Phishing Emails for Older vs Young Adults: On the Interplay of Weapons of Influence and Life Domains in Predicting Susceptibility to Phishing
DOHRH Yang, D Ellis, S Dommaraju, M Muradoglu, D Weir, A Soliman, ...
URL: https://dl. acm. org/citation. cfm, 2017
Validation of the Attitudes Towards Psychological Online Interventions Questionnaire Among Black Americans: Cross-cultural Confirmatory Factor Analysis
DM Ellis, PL Anderson
JMIR Mental Health 10, e43929, 2023
Improving the acceptability of internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy among black americans
D Ellis, P Anderson
Technology, Mind, and Behavior 2 (3), 1-12, 2021
Understanding Asian American attitudes toward mental health treatment: The role of stigma and gender
S Jamal, MS Dilip, R Nagar, D Ellis, P Anderson
The Macksey Journal 3 (1), 2022
Cross-cultural validation of the attitudes towards psychological online interventions questionnaire among Black Americans
D Ellis, P Anderson
OSF, 2022
Methodologies for the Successful Implementation and Dissemination of Digital Mental Health Interventions: Improving User Attitudes among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color
D Ellis
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Articles 1–14