Y. X. Rachel Wang
Y. X. Rachel Wang
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney
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Cited by
Selective coating of holes in microstructured optical fiber and its application to in-fiber absorptive polarizers
X Zhang, R Wang, FM Cox, BT Kuhlmey, MCJ Large
Optics express 15 (24), 16270-16278, 2007
Review on statistical methods for gene network reconstruction using expression data
YXR Wang, H Huang
Journal of theoretical biology 362, 53-61, 2014
Likelihood-based model selection for stochastic block models
YXR Wang, PJ Bickel
The Annals of Statistics 45 (2), 500-528, 2017
GenomeDISCO: A concordance score for chromosome conformation capture experiments using random walks on contact map graphs
O Ursu, N Boley, M Taranova, YXR Wang, GG Yardimci, W Stafford Noble, ...
Bioinformatics 34 (16), 2701-2707, 2018
scJoint integrates atlas-scale single-cell RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data with transfer learning
Y Lin, TY Wu, S Wan, JYH Yang, WH Wong, YX Wang
Nature Biotechnology 40 (5), 703-710, 2022
Efficient inference of population size histories and locus-specific mutation rates from large-sample genomic variation data
A Bhaskar, YXR Wang, YS Song
Genome research 25 (2), 268-279, 2015
Inferring gene–gene interactions and functional modules using sparse canonical correlation analysis
YXR Wang, K Jiang, LJ Feldman, PJ Bickel, H Huang
The Annals of Applied Statistics 9 (1), 300-323, 2015
An explicit transition density expansion for a multi-allelic Wright–Fisher diffusion with general diploid selection
M Steinrücken, YXR Wang, YS Song
Theoretical population biology 83, 1-14, 2013
Gene coexpression measures in large heterogeneous samples using count statistics
YXR Wang, MS Waterman, H Huang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (46), 16371-16376, 2014
Mean field for the stochastic blockmodel: Optimization landscape and convergence issues
SS Mukherjee, P Sarkar, RYX Wang, B Yan
Advances in neural information processing systems, 2018
On hyperparameter tuning in general clustering problemsm
X Fan, Y Yue, P Sarkar, YXR Wang
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2996-3007, 2020
Nonparametric cointegrating regression with NNH errors
Q Wang, YXR Wang
Econometric Theory 29 (1), 1-27, 2013
Network modeling in biology: statistical methods for gene and brain networks
YXR Wang, L Li, JJ Li, H Huang
Statistical Science 36 (1), 89-108, 2021
A theoretical case study of structured variational inference for community detection
M Yin, YXR Wang, P Sarkar
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 3750-3761, 2020
Mini-Batch Metropolis–Hastings With Reversible SGLD Proposal
TY Wu, YX Rachel Wang, WH Wong
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-9, 2020
Generalized correlation measure using count statistics for gene expression data with ordered samples
YXR Wang, K Liu, E Theusch, JI Rotter, MW Medina, MS Waterman, ...
Bioinformatics 34 (4), 617-624, 2018
When random initializations help: a study of variational inference for community detection
P Sarkar, YXR Wang, SS Mukherjee
Journal of Machine Learning Research 22 (22), 1-46, 2021
Adaptive conformal classification with noisy labels
M Sesia, YX Wang, X Tong
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.05092, 2023
Network modelling of topological domains using Hi-C data
YXR Wang, P Sarkar, O Ursu, A Kundaje, PJ Bickel
The annals of applied statistics 13 (3), 1511, 2019
A Unified Framework for Tuning Hyperparameters in Clustering Problems
X Fan, Y Yue, P Sarkar, YX Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.08018, 2019
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