An inertial forward-backward splitting method for approximating solutions of certain optimization problems HA Abass, KO Aremu, LO Jolaoso, OT Mewomo Nonlinear Funct. Anal 2020, 2020 | 66 | 2020 |
A strong convergence algorithm for a fixed point constrained split null point problem OK Oyewole, HA Abass, OT Mewomo Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 70, 389-408, 2021 | 56 | 2021 |
Common solution of split equilibrium problem and fixed point problem with no prior knowledge of operator norm HA Abass, FU Ogbuisi, OT Mewomo Politehn. Univ. Bucharest Sci. Bull. Ser. A Appl. Math. Phys 80 (1), 175-190, 2018 | 34 | 2018 |
Strong convergence of an inertial forward-backward splitting method for accretive operators in real Banach spaces HA Abass, C Izuchukwu, OT Mewomo, QL Dong Fixed Point Theory 21 (02), 2020 | 32 | 2020 |
A viscosity-type algorithm for an infinitely countable family of (f,g)-generalized k-strictly pseudononspreading mappings in CAT(0) spaces KO Aremu, H Abass, C Izuchukwu, OT Mewomo Analysis 40 (1), 19-37, 2020 | 26 | 2020 |
Some results for a new three steps iteration scheme in Banach spaces HA Abass, AA Mebawondu, OT Mewomo Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series III: Mathematics …, 2018 | 24 | 2018 |
Viscosity iterative techniques for approximating a common zero of monotone operators in an Hadamard space C Izuchukwu, AA Mebawondu, KO Aremu, HA Abass, OT Mewomo Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 69, 475-495, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
On split equality mixed equilibrium and fixed point problems for countable families of generalized K1-strictly pseudo-contractive multivalued mappings HA Abass, CC Okeke, OT Mewomo Dyn. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Syst. Ser. B Appl. Algorithms 25 (6), 369-395, 2018 | 20 | 2018 |
Inertial extragradient method for solving variational inequality and fixed point problems of a Bregman demigeneralized mapping in a reflexive Banach spaces HA Abass, GC Ugwunnadi, OK Narain, V Darvish Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 43 (8), 933-960, 2022 | 18 | 2022 |
A viscosity-proximal gradient method with inertial extrapolation for solving certain minimization problems in Hilbert space LO Jolaoso, HA Abass, OT Mewomo Archivum Mathematicum 55 (3), 167-194, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
An iterative method for solution of finite families of split minimization problems and fixed point problems HA Abass, C Izuchukwu, FU Ogbuisi, OT Mewomo Novi Sad J. Math 49 (1), 117-136, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
A Tseng extragradient method for solving variational inequality problems in Banach spaces OK Oyewole, HA Abass, AA Mebawondu, KO Aremu Numerical Algorithms 89 (2), 769-789, 2022 | 14 | 2022 |
Viscosity approximation method for solving minimization problem and fixed point problem for nonexpansive multivalued mapping in CAT (0) spaces C Izuchukwu, HA Abass, OT Mewomo Ann. Acad. Rom. Sci. Ser. Math. Appl 11 (1), 131-158, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
A self adaptive method for solving a class of bilevel variational inequalities with split variational inequality and composed fixed point problem constraints in Hilbert spaces F Akutsah, AA Mebawondu, HA Abass, OK Narain Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization 13 (1), 117-138, 2023 | 10 | 2023 |
OUTER APPROXIMATION METHOD FOR ZEROS OF SUM OF MONOTONE OPERATORS AND FIXED POINT PROBLEMS IN BANACH SPACES HA Abass, AA Mebawondu, OK Narain, JK Kim Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, 451-474, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
An inertial generalized viscosity approximation method for solving multiple-sets split feasibility problems and common fixed point of strictly pseudo-nonspreading mappings HA Abass, LO Jolaoso Axioms 10 (1), 1, 2020 | 10 | 2020 |
Inertial extrapolation method for solving systems of monotone variational inclusion and fixed point problems using Bregman distance approach HA Abass, OK Narain, OM Onifade Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, 497-520, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
Some results on generalized mean nonexpansive mapping in complete metric space AA Mebawondu, C Izuchukwu, HA Abass, OT Mewomo Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
Modified inertial Tseng method for solving variational inclusion and fixed point problems on Hadamard manifolds HA Abass, OK Oyewole, LO Jolaoso, KO Aremu Applicable Analysis 103 (9), 1604-1627, 2024 | 7 | 2024 |
Shrinking approximation method for solution of split monotone variational inclusion and fixed point problems in Banach spaces F Akutsah, NO Kumar, AH Anuoluwapo, AA Mebawondu International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications 12 (2), 825-842, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |