Julie Rowlands
Cited by
Cited by
Neoliberalism is not a theory of everything: a Bourdieuian analysis of illusio in educational research
J Rowlands, S Rawolle
Critical studies in education 54 (3), 260-272, 2013
Academic boards: less intellectual and more academic capital in higher education governance?
J Rowlands
Studies in Higher Education 38 (9), 1274-1289, 2013
Academic governance in contemporary universities: perspectives from Anglophone nations
J Rowlands
Springer, 2016
Accountability, quality assurance and performativity: The changing role of the academic board
J Rowlands
Quality in Higher Education 18 (1), 97-110, 2012
Deepening understandings of Bourdieu’s academic and intellectual capital through a study of academic voice within academic governance
J Rowlands
Studies in Higher Education 43 (11), 1823-1836, 2018
Turning collegial governance on its head: Symbolic violence, hegemony and the academic board
J Rowlands
British Journal of Sociology of Education 36 (7), 1017-1035, 2015
The implications of contractualism for the responsibilisation of higher education
S Rawolle, J Rowlands, J Blackmore
Discourse: Studies in the cultural politics of education 38 (1), 109-122, 2017
Shaping and being shaped: Extending the relationship between habitus and practice
J Rowlands, T Gale
Practice Theory and Education, 105-121, 2016
Hunting for points: the effects of research assessment on research practice
J Rowlands, S Wright
Studies in Higher Education 46 (9), 1801-1815, 2021
The symbolic role of academic boards in university academic quality assurance
J Rowlands
Quality in Higher Education 19 (2), 142-157, 2013
Paying the piper: The governance of vice-chancellors’ remuneration in Australian and UK universities
R Boden, J Rowlands
Higher Education Research & Development 41 (2), 254-268, 2022
The role of bibliometric research assessment in a global order of epistemic injustice: a case study of humanities research in Denmark
J Rowlands, S Wright
Critical Studies in Education, 2020
The effectiveness of academic boards in university governance
J Rowlands
Tertiary Education and Management 19, 338-352, 2013
The domestic labour of academic governance and the loss of academic voice
J Rowlands
Gender and Education 31 (7), 793-810, 2019
Present but not counted: The tenuous position of academic board chairs within contemporary university governance
J Rowlands
International Journal of Leadership in Education 18 (3), 263-278, 2015
Practice Theory and Education: Diffractive readings in professional practice
J Lynch, J Rowlands, T Gale, A Skourdoumbis
Taylor & Francis, 2016
Aspiring teachers, financial incentives, and principals’ recruitment practices in hard-to-staff schools
J Blackmore, L Hobbs, J Rowlands
Journal of Education Policy 39 (2), 233-252, 2024
National research assessment frameworks, publication output targets and research practices: The compliance-habitus effect
J Rowlands, T Gale
Beijing International Review of Education 1 (1), 138-161, 2019
The north and the south of it: academic governance in the US, England and Australia
J Rowlands, MT Ngo
Higher Education Research & Development 37 (7), 1501-1514, 2018
Introduction: Diffractive readings in practice theory
J Lynch, J Rowlands, T Gale
Practice Theory and Education, 15-34, 2016
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