Sandra Botero
Cited by
Cited by
Says who? An experiment on allegations of corruption and credibility of sources
S Botero, RC Cornejo, L Gamboa, N Pavao, DW Nickerson
Political Research Quarterly 68 (3), 493-504, 2015
El plebiscito y los desafíos políticos de consolidar la paz negociada en Colombia
S Botero
REVISTA DE CIENCIA POLÍTICA 37 (2), 369-388, 2017
La reforma constitucional de 1936, el Estado y las políticas sociales en Colombia
S Botero
Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura, 85-109, 2006
Inequality and the rule of law: ineffective rights in Latin American democracies
D Brinks, S Botero
Reflections on Uneven Democracies: The Legacy of Guillermo O’Donnell, 214-239, 2014
Measuring governance: Implications of conceptual choices
K Bersch, S Botero
The European Journal of Development Research 26, 124-141, 2014
Judges, Litigants, and the Politics of Rights Enforcement in Argentina
S Botero
Comparative Politics 50 (2), 169-187, 2018
Are all types of wrongdoing created equal in the eyes of voters?
S Botero, R Castro Cornejo, L Gamboa, N Pavão, DW Nickerson
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 1-18, 2019
The Limits of Judicialization: From Progress to Backlash in Latin America
S Botero, DM Brinks, EA Gonzalez-Ocantos
Cambridge University Press, 2022
Agents of Neoliberalism? High Courts, Legal Preferences, and Rights in Latin America
S Botero
Latin America Since the Left Turn, 214, 2017
Confianza, apoyo a la democracia y corrupción: una mirada a la Corte Constitucional en la opinión pública colombiana
S Botero
Latin American Law Review, 25-47, 2020
Courts that Matter: Judges, Litigants, and the Politics of Rights Enforcement in Latin America
S Botero
PhD, Department of Political Science, University of Notre Dame, 2015
Trust in Colombia’s Justicia Especial Para La Paz: Experimental Evidence
S Botero
Journal of Politics in Latin America 12 (3), 300-322, 2020
Courts that Matter: Activists, Judges, and the Politics of Rights Enforcement
S Botero
Cambridge University Press, 2023
Corte al Congreso: Poder judicial y trámite legislativo en Colombia
S Botero, L Gamboa
Latin American Research Review 56 (3), 592-606, 2021
La ultraderecha en Colombia: ideas y liderazgos en formación
S Botero, JMJ Prada
Fundación Friedrich Ebert. https://www. fes. de/cgi-bin/gbv. cgi, 2023
Under friendly fire: An experiment on partisan press, fragmented opposition and voting behavior
S Botero, RC Cornejo, L Gamboa, N Pavão, DW Nickerson
Electoral Studies 60, 102044, 2019
Colombia 2022: Del fin de la guerra al gobierno del cambio
S Botero, L García-Montoya, S Otero-Bahamón, S Londoño-Mendez
Revista de ciencia política (Santiago) 43 (2), 223-254, 2023
Conceptualizar y medir la cultura legal: Evidencia a partir de una encuesta a los jueces federales mexicanos.
K Mariela Ansolabehere, S Botero, E González Ocantos
Política y Gobierno 29 (2), 2022
Free Expression and Judicial Power in Colombia, India, and South Africa
S Botero, R Ellett, TM Keck, S Stohler
Law & Social Inquiry 46 (2), 331-363, 2021
Paz y opinión pública en Colombia
S Botero, MG Sánchez
Universidad El Rosario Ediciones Uniandes, 2024
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Articles 1–20