cliff wang
cliff wang
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Moving target defense: creating asymmetric uncertainty for cyber threats
S Jajodia, AK Ghosh, V Swarup, C Wang, XS Wang
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Introduction to hardware security and trust
M Tehranipoor, C Wang
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Review and evaluation of security threats on the communication networks in the smart grid
Z Lu, X Lu, W Wang, C Wang
2010-Milcom 2010 Military Communications Conference, 1830-1835, 2010
TinySeRSync: secure and resilient time synchronization in wireless sensor networks
K Sun, P Ning, C Wang
Proceedings of the 13th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2006
TinySeRSync: secure and resilient time synchronization in wireless sensor networks
K Sun, P Ning, C Wang
Proceedings of the 13th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2006
Cyber situational awareness
S Jajodia, P Liu, V Swarup, C Wang
Springer US, 2009
Cyber SA: Situational awareness for cyber defense
P Barford, M Dacier, TG Dietterich, M Fredrikson, J Giffin, S Jajodia, S Jha, ...
Cyber Situational Awareness, 3-13, 2010
Moving Target Defense II
S Jajodia, AK Ghosh, VS Subrahmanian, V Swarup, C Wang, XS Wang
Springer, 2013
Attack-resistant location estimation in wireless sensor networks
D Liu, P Ning, A Liu, C Wang, WK Du
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 11 (4), 22, 2008
Secure and resilient clock synchronization in wireless sensor networks
K Sun, P Ning, C Wang
Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on 24 (2), 395-408, 2006
Secure distributed cluster formation in wireless sensor networks
K Sun, P Peng, P Ning, C Wang
Computer Security Applications Conference, 2006. ACSAC'06. 22nd Annual, 131-140, 2006
Cyber defense and situational awareness
A Kott, C Wang, RF Erbacher
Springer, 2015
Cyber Deception: Overview and the Road Ahead
C Wang, Z Lu
IEEE Security & Privacy 16 (2), 80-85, 2018
Modeling, Evaluation and Detection of Jamming Attacks in Time-Critical Wireless Applications
Z Lu, W Wang, C Wang
IEEE, 2014
Secure Localization and Time Synchronization for Wireless Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks: For Wireless Sensor and AD Hoc Networks
R Poovendran, C Wang, S Roy
Springer, 2007
Fault-tolerant cluster-wise clock synchronization for wireless sensor networks
K Sun, P Ning, C Wang
Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on 2 (3), 177-189, 2005
Botnet detection: countering the largest security threat
W Lee, C Wang, D Dagon
Springer, 2007
Cyber Deception: Building the Scientific Foundation
S Jajodia, VS Subrahmanian, V Swarup, C Wang
Springer, 2016
From jammer to gambler: Modeling and detection of jamming attacks against time-critical traffic
Z Lu, W Wang, C Wang
INFOCOM, 2011 Proceedings IEEE, 1871-1879, 2011
Performance evaluation of filtered backprojection reconstruction and iterative reconstruction methods for PET images
CX Wang, WE Snyder, G Bilbro, P Santago
Computers in biology and medicine 28 (1), 13-25, 1998
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Articles 1–20