Humberto Martinez Barbera
Humberto Martinez Barbera
Profesor Titular, Universidad de Murcia
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Cited by
Autonomous navigation of an automated guided vehicle in industrial environments
H Martínez-Barberá, D Herrero-Pérez
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 26 (4), 296-311, 2010
Modeling distributed transportation systems composed of flexible automated guided vehicles in flexible manufacturing systems
D Herrero-Perez, H Martinez-Barbera
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 6 (2), 166-180, 2010
Robust feedback control of ZMP-based gait for the humanoid robot Nao
JJ Alcaraz-Jiménez, D Herrero-Pérez, H Martínez-Barberá
The International Journal of Robotics Research 32 (9-10), 1074-1088, 2013
Development of a flexible AGV for flexible manufacturing systems
H Martinez‐Barbera, D Herrero‐Perez
Industrial robot: An international journal 37 (5), 459-468, 2010
I-Fork: a flexible AGV system using topological and grid maps
HM Barberá, JPC Quinonero, MAZ Izquierdo, AG Skarmeta
2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Cat. No …, 2003
Fuzzy uncertainty modeling for grid based localization of mobile robots
D Herrero-Pérez, H Martínez-Barberá, K LeBlanc, A Saffiotti
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 51 (8), 912-932, 2010
Neural networks for sonar and infrared sensors fusion
HM Barberá, AG Skarmeta, MZ Izquierdo, JB Blaya
Proceedings of the third international conference on information fusion 2 …, 2000
A framework for defining and learning fuzzy behaviors for autonomous mobile robots
HM Barberá, AG Skarmeta
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 17 (1), 1-20, 2002
Mimics: exploiting satellite technology for an intelligent convoy
AFG Skarmeta, HM Barberá, MZ Izquierdo, BU Minaro, FCG de León, ...
IEEE Intelligent Systems 17 (4), 85-89, 2002
Fuzzy self-localization using natural features in the four-legged league
D Herrero-Pérez, H Martínez-Barberá, A Saffiotti
Robot Soccer World Cup, 110-121, 2004
Map building with ultrasonic sensors of indoor environments using neural networks
FJ Toledo, JD Luis, LM Tomas, MA Zamora, H Martínez
Smc 2000 conference proceedings. 2000 ieee international conference on …, 2000
Kalman filtering for attitude estimation with quaternions and concepts from manifold theory
P Bernal-Polo, H Martínez-Barberá
Sensors 19 (1), 149, 2019
Self-configuration of waypoints for docking maneuvers of flexible automated guided vehicles
D Herrero, J Villagrá, H Martínez
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 10 (2), 470-475, 2013
Motion planning for omnidirectional dynamic gait in humanoid soccer robots
JJ Alcaraz Jiménez, D Herrero Pérez, H Martínez Barberá
Red de Agentes Físicos, 2011
A tabu search approach to the fuzzy clustering problem
M Delgado, AG Skármeta, HM Barberá
Proceedings of 6th International Fuzzy Systems Conference 1, 125-130, 1997
A multiagent architecture for fuzzy modeling
M Delgado, AF Gómez‐Skarmeta, J Gómez Marín‐Blázquez, ...
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 14 (3), 305-329, 1999
Decentralized traffic control for non-holonomic flexible automated guided vehicles in industrial environments
D Herrero-Pérez, H Martínez-Barberá
Advanced Robotics 25 (6-7), 739-763, 2011
A fuzzy agents architecture for autonomous mobile robots
AFG Skarmeta, HM Barberá, MS Alonso
Procs of the World Congress of the Int Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA), 1999
Fuzzy mobile-robot positioning in intelligent spaces using wireless sensor networks
D Herrero, H Martinez
Sensors 11 (11), 10820-10839, 2011
Fuzzy logic based intelligent agents for reactive navigation in autonomous systems
AFG Skarmeta, HM Barberá
Fifth International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Technology, Raleigh, USA …, 1997
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Articles 1–20