Maher Al-Dabbas
Maher Al-Dabbas
Full professor in food chemistry/ Faculty of Agriculture/ The University of Jordan
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Detection of olive oil adulteration with some plant oils by GLC analysis of sterols using polar column
KM Al-Ismail, AK Alsaed, R Ahmad, M Al-Dabbas
Food Chemistry 121 (4), 1255-1259, 2010
Antioxidant and α-Amylase Inhibitory Compounds from Aerial Parts of Varthemia iphionoides Boiss
MM Al-Dabbas, K Kitahara, T Suganuma, F Hashimoto, K Tadera
Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 70 (9), 2178-2184, 2006
Cytotoxic, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of Varthemia iphionoides Boiss. extracts
MM Al-Dabbas, T Suganuma, K Kitahara, DX Hou, M Fujii
Journal of ethnopharmacology 108 (2), 287-293, 2006
Antibacterial activity of an eudesmane sesqueiterpene isolated from common Varthemia, Varthemia iphionoides.
MM Al-Dabbas, F Hashinaga, SAM Abdelgaleil, T Suganuma, K Akiyama, ...
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 97 (2), 237-240, 2005
Antioxidant activity of different extracts from the aerial part of Moringa peregrina (Forssk.) Fiori, from Jordan.
MM Al-Dabbas
Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences 30 (6), 2017
The effects of different inorganic salts, buffer systems, and desalting of Varthemia crude water extract on DPPH radical scavenging activity
MM Al-Dabbas, K Al-Ismail, K Kitahara, N Chishaki, F Hashinaga, ...
Food chemistry 104 (2), 734-739, 2007
Acid-base buffering properties of five legumes and selected food in vitro.
MM Al-Dabbas, K Al-Ismail, RA Taleb, S Ibrahim
Chemical composition and oil components in seeds of Moringa peregrine (Forssk) Fiori.
K Al-Dabbas M. M., Ahmad R., Ajo R.Y., Abulaila K
Crop Research 40 (3), 161-167, 2010
Survival and growth of Salmonella Typhimurium, Escherichia coli O157: H7 and Staphylococcus aureus in eggplant dip during storage
TM Osaili, AA Al-Nabulsi, Z Jaradat, RR Shaker, DZ Alomari, ...
International Journal of Food Microbiology 198, 37-42, 2015
Effect of partial replacement of sucrose with the artificial sweetener sucralose on the physico-chemical, sensory, microbial characteristics, and final cost saving of orange …
MAMJ Al-Dabbas
International Food Research Journal, 19 (2), 679-683. 19 (2), 679-683, 2012
Evaluation of three treatments on carbosulfan removal in tomato juice.
TM Al-Antary, MM Al-Dabbas, AM Shaderma
Effect of chemical composition on the buffering capacity of selected dairy products
AB Al-Dabbas, M.M, Al-Ismail, K.
Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 7 (4), 690-700, 2011
Effect of UV-radiation on methomyl, oxamyl, and carbosulfan residues in tomato juice
T Al-Antary, M Al-Dabbas, A Shaderma, A Shaderma
Fresen. Environ. Bull 23, 924-928, 2014
Implementation of hazard analysis critical control point in jameed production
AK Al-Saed, RM Al-Groum, MM Al-Dabbas
Food science and technology international 18 (3), 229-239, 2012
Composition of local Jordanian food dishes
H Takruri, K Al-Ismail, R Tayyem, M Al-Dabbas
Amman, Jordan: Dar Zuhdi, 2020
Chlorophyll color retention in green pepper preserved in natural lemon juice
M Al‐Dabbas, M Saleh, H Hamad, W Hamadeh
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 41 (4), e13055, 2017
Effect of ozonation treatment on methomyl, oxamyl and carbosulfan residues removal in tomato juice
MM Al-Dabbas, AM Shaderma, TM Al-Antary
Life Science Journal 11 (2), 68-73, 2014
Preservation Methods Impacted Phenolic, Flavonoid and Carotenoid Contents and Antioxidant Activities of Carrots (Daucus carota L.)
MM Al‐Dabbas, MI Saleh, K Al‐Ismail
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 39, 1618-1625, 2015
Effect of microencapsulation of cardamom’s essential oil in gum Arabic and whey protein isolate using spray drying on its stability during storage
KM Al-Ismail, G Mehyar, HS Al-Khatib, M Al-Dabbas
Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods 7 (5), 613-620, 2015
Effect of roasting and dehulling on antioxidant activity, oil quality and protein functionality of sesame seeds used in tahina and halawa
K Al-Ismail, N Alawamleh, M Al-Dabbas
Madridge J Food Technol 1, 109-114, 2018
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Articles 1–20