Arsalan Mosenia
Arsalan Mosenia
Google, and New York University (NYU)
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Cited by
A Comprehensive Study of Security of Internet-of-Things
A Mosenia, NK Jha
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 2017
DARTS: Deceiving Autonomous Cars with Toxic Signs
C Sitawarin, AN Bhagoji, A Mosenia, M Chiang, P Mittal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.06430, 2018
Energy-efficient Long-term Continuous Personal Health Monitoring
AM Nia, M Mozaffari-Kermani, S Sur-Kolay, A Raghunathan, NK Jha
IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems 1 (2), 85-98, 2015
Wearable Medical Sensor-based System Design: A Survey
A Mosenia, S Sur-Kolay, A Raghunathan, N Jha
IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems, 2017
Rogue Signs: Deceiving Traffic Sign Recognition with Malicious Ads and Logos
C Sitawarin, AN Bhagoji, A Mosenia, P Mittal, M Chiang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.02780, 2018
CABA: Continuous Authentication based on BioAura
A Mosenia, S Sur-Kolay, A Raghunathan, NK Jha
IEEE Transactions on Computers 66 (5), 759-772, 2017
Physiological Information Leakage: A New Frontier in Health Information Security
AM Nia, S Sur-Kolay, A Raghunathan, NK Jha
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 4 (3), 321-334, 2016
Smart Healthcare
H Yin, AO Akmandor, A Mosenia, NK Jha
Foundations and Trends® in Electronic Design Automation 12 (4), 401-466, 2018
Pinme: Tracking a smartphone user around the world
A Mosenia, X Dai, P Mittal, NK Jha
IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems 4 (3), 420-435, 2018
OpenFog security requirements and approaches
BA Martin, F Michaud, D Banks, A Mosenia, R Zolfonoon, S Irwan, ...
2017 IEEE Fog World Congress (FWC), 1-6, 2017
Acoustic Denial of Service Attacks on Hard Disk Drives
M Shahrad, A Mosenia, L Song, M Chiang, D Wentzlaff, P Mittal
Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Attacks and Solutions in Hardware …, 2018
Human Serum Protein Adsorption onto Synthesis Nano-hydroxyapatite
M Mohsen-Nia, MM Bidgoli, M Behrashi, AM Nia
The Protein Journal 31 (2), 150-157, 2012
OpSecure: A secure unidirectional optical channel for implantable medical devices
A Mosenia, NK Jha
IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems 4 (3), 410-419, 2018
Addressing Security and Privacy Challenges in Internet of Things
A Mosenia
Princeton University, 2017
DISASTER: Dedicated Intelligent Security Attacks on Sensor-triggered Emergency Responses
A Mosenia, S Sur-Kolay, A Raghunathan, N Jha
IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems, 2017
Anonymizing Masses: Practical Light-weight Anonymity at the Network Level
HM Moghaddam, A Mosenia
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.09642, 2019
Not All Pixels are Born Equal: An Analysis of Evasion Attacks under Locality Constraints
V Sehwag, C Sitawarin, AN Bhagoji, A Mosenia, M Chiang, P Mittal
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2018
System and method for bringing programmability and connectivity into isolated vehicles
A Mosenia, JF Bechara, P Mittal, M Chiang, T Zhang
US Patent 10,939,262, 2021
Secure optical communication channel for implantable medical devices
A Mosenia, NK Jha
US Patent 10,506,433, 2019
Continuous Authentication System and Method Based on BioAura
A Mosenia, S Sur-Kolay, A Raghunathan, NK Jha
US Patent App. 15/425,440, 2017
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Articles 1–20