Michael J. Borden
Michael J. Borden
Coreform LLC
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A phase-field description of dynamic brittle fracture
MJ Borden, CV Verhoosel, MA Scott, TJR Hughes, CM Landis
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 217, 77-95, 2012
Isogeometric finite element data structures based on Bézier extraction of NURBS
MJ Borden, MA Scott, JA Evans, TJR Hughes
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 87 (1‐5), 15-47, 2011
A higher-order phase-field model for brittle fracture: Formulation and analysis within the isogeometric analysis framework
MJ Borden, TJR Hughes, CM Landis, CV Verhoosel
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 273, 100-118, 2014
A phase-field formulation for fracture in ductile materials: Finite deformation balance law derivation, plastic degradation, and stress triaxiality effects
MJ Borden, TJR Hughes, CM Landis, A Anvari, IJ Lee
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 312, 130-166, 2016
An isogeometric design-through-analysis methodology based on adaptive hierarchical refinement of NURBS, immersed boundary methods, and T-spline CAD surfaces
D Schillinger, L Dede, MA Scott, JA Evans, MJ Borden, E Rank, ...
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 249, 116-150, 2012
Isogeometric finite element data structures based on Bézier extraction of T‐splines
MA Scott, MJ Borden, CV Verhoosel, TW Sederberg, TJR Hughes
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2011
Isogeometric analysis for topology optimization with a phase field model
L Dedè, MJ Borden, TJR Hughes
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 19, 427-465, 2012
A phase-field model for fatigue crack growth
YS Lo, MJ Borden, K Ravi-Chandar, CM Landis
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 132, 103684, 2019
Isogeometric analysis of the advective Cahn–Hilliard equation: spinodal decomposition under shear flow
J Liu, L Dede, JA Evans, MJ Borden, TJR Hughes
Journal of Computational Physics 242, 321-350, 2013
Isogeometric analysis of phase-field models for dynamic brittle and ductile fracture
MJ Borden
A phase-field model for fracture in piezoelectric ceramics
ZA Wilson, MJ Borden, CM Landis
International Journal of Fracture 183, 135-153, 2013
Isogeometric collocation for phase-field fracture models
D Schillinger, MJ Borden, HK Stolarski
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 284, 583-610, 2015
A selective approach to conformal refinement of unstructured hexahedral finite element meshes
M Parrish, M Borden, M Staten, S Benzley
Proceedings of the 16th international meshing roundtable, 251-268, 2008
Isogeometric Bézier dual mortaring: Refineable higher-order spline dual bases and weakly continuous geometry
Z Zou, MA Scott, MJ Borden, DC Thomas, W Dornisch, E Brivadis
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 333, 497-534, 2018
Hexahedral Sheet Extraction.
MJ Borden, SE Benzley, JF Shepherd
IMR, 147-152, 2002
Methods and applications of generalized sheet insertion for hexahedral meshing
K Merkley, C Ernst, JF Shepherd, MJ Borden
Proceedings of the 16th International Meshing Roundtable, 233-250, 2008
Conformal refinement and coarsening of unstructured hexahedral meshes
SE Benzley, NJ Harris, M Scott, M Borden, SJ Owen
Mesh cutting: Fitting simple all-hexahedral meshes to complex geometries
MJ Borden, JF Shepherd, SE Benzley
Proceedings, 8th international society of grid generation conference, 2002
The Cleave and Fill Tool: An All-Hexahedral Refinement Algorithm for Swept Meshes.
MJ Borden, SE Benzley, SA Mitchell, DR White, RJ Meyers
IMR, 69-76, 2000
Phase-field formulation for ductile fracture
MJ Borden, TJR Hughes, CM Landis, A Anvari, IJ Lee
Advances in computational plasticity: A book in honour of D. Roger J. Owen …, 2018
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Articles 1–20