Jan Flokstra
Jan Flokstra
Sofware Engineer, University of Twente
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PRISMA/DB: A parallel, main memory relational DBMS
PMG Apers, CA van den Berg, J Flokstra, PWPJ Grefen, ML Kersten, ...
IEEE transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 4 (6), 541-554, 1992
Parallel evaluation of multi-join queries
AN Wilschut, J Flokstra, PMG Apers
Proceedings of the 1995 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 1995
Pftijah: text search in an xml database system
D Hiemstra, H Rode, R Van Os, J Flokstra
Second International Workshop on Open Source Information Retrieval, OSIR …, 2006
Parallelism in a Main-Memory DBMS: The performance of PRISMA/DB
AN Wilschut, J Flokstra, PMG Apers
VLDB, 521-532, 1992
Flipper 2.0: A pragmatic dialogue engine for embodied conversational agents
J van Waterschoot, M Bruijnes, J Flokstra, D Reidsma, D Davison, ...
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual …, 2018
Implementation and Performance Evaluation of a Parallel Transitive Closure Algorithms on PRISMA/DB
MAW Houtsma, AN Wilschut, J Flokstra
19th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB 1993, 1993
Point of interest to region of interest conversion
V de Graaff, RA de By, M van Keulen, J Flokstra
Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on advances …, 2013
Parallel query execution in PRISMA/DB
AN Wilschut, PMG Apers, J Flokstra
Workshop on Parallel Database Systems, 424-433, 1990
MonetDB/XQuery—consistent and efficient updates on the pre/Post plane
P Boncz, J Flokstra, T Grust, M van Keulen, S Manegold, S Mullender, ...
Advances in Database Technology-EDBT 2006: 10th International Conference on …, 2006
Moa: extensibility and efficiency in querying nested data
M van Keulen, J Vonk, AP de Vries, J Flokstra, HE Blok
Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT), 2002
Road collapse in magnum
AN Wilschut, R van Zwol, J Flokstra, N Brasa, W Quak
Proceedings of the 6th ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic …, 1998
The IMPRESS DDT: A database design toolbox based on a formal specification language
J Flokstra, M van Keulen, J Skowronek
Proceedings of the 1994 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 1994
Extending a multi-set relational algebra to a parallel environment
PWPJ Grefen, J Flokstra
Distributed and parallel databases 4, 81-99, 1996
PRISMA DB1 User manual
PWPJ Grefen, AN Wilschut, J Flokstra
Memoranda informatica 1 (6), 1991
A logic query language and its algebraic optimization for a multiprocessor database machine
MAW Houtsma, HJA van Kuyk, J Flokstra, PMG Apers, ML Kersten
University of Twente, 1988
Judged: a probabilistic datalog with dependencies
B Wanders, M van Keulen, J Flokstra
Workshops at the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2016
Parallel handling of integrity constraints
PWPJ Grefen, J Flokstra, PMG Apers
Workshop on Parallel Database Systems, 242-258, 1990
Moa and the Multi-model Architecture: A New Perspective on NF2
M van Keulen, J Vonk, AP de Vries, J Flokstra, HE Blok
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 14th International Conference …, 2003
The TM Manual, version 2.0
R Bal, H Balsters, RA de By, A Bosschaart, J Flokstra, M van Keulen, ...
available in ftp://ftp. cs. utwente. nl/pub/doc/TM, 1996
The TM Manual; version 2.0, revision e
R Bal, H Balsters, RA de By, A Bosschaart, J Flokstra, M van Keulen, ...
Universiteit Twente, Technical report IMPRESS/UT-TECH-T79-001-R2, Enschede …, 1995
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Articles 1–20