Bengt Ahlgren
Bengt Ahlgren
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A survey of information-centric networking
B Ahlgren, C Dannewitz, C Imbrenda, D Kutscher, B Ohlman
IEEE Communications Magazine 50 (7), 26-36, 2012
Internet of things for smart cities: Interoperability and open data
B Ahlgren, M Hidell, ECH Ngai
IEEE Internet Computing 20 (6), 52-56, 2016
Network of information (netinf)–an information-centric networking architecture
C Dannewitz, D Kutscher, B Ohlman, S Farrell, B Ahlgren, H Karl
Computer Communications 36 (7), 721-735, 2013
Spontaneous networking: an application oriented approach to ad hoc networking
LM Feeney, B Ahlgren, A Westerlund
IEEE Communications magazine 39 (6), 176-181, 2001
Design considerations for a network of information
B Ahlgren, M d'Ambrosio, M Marchisio, I Marsh, C Dannewitz, B Ohlman, ...
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM CoNEXT Conference, 1-6, 2008
Secure naming for a network of information
C Dannewitz, J Golic, B Ohlman, B Ahlgren
2010 INFOCOM IEEE conference on computer communications workshops, 1-6, 2010
A node identity internetworking architecture
B Ahlgren, J Arkko, L Eggert, J Rajahalme
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2006. 25TH IEEE International Conference on …, 2006
Content, connectivity, and cloud: ingredients for the network of the future
B Ahlgren, PA Aranda, P Chemouil, S Oueslati, LM Correia, H Karl, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 49 (7), 62-70, 2011
Second netinf architecture description
B Ahlgren, M D’Ambrosio, C Dannewitz, A Eriksson, J Golic, B Grönvall, ...
4WARD EU FP7 Project, Deliverable D-6.2 v2. 0, 2010
Measuring latency variation in the internet
T Høiland-Jørgensen, B Ahlgren, P Hurtig, A Brunstrom
Proceedings of the 12th International on Conference on emerging Networking …, 2016
Challenges in mobile ad hoc networking
S Giordano, WW Lu
IEEE Communications Magazine 39 (6), 129-129, 2001
Ambient networks: bridging heterogeneous network domains
B Ahlgren, L Eggert, B Ohlman, A Schieder
2005 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2005
Invariants: a new design methodology for network architectures
B Ahlgren, M Brunner, L Eggert, R Hancock, S Schmid
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Future directions in network …, 2004
A multi-path routing algorithm for IP networks based on flow optimisation
H Abrahamsson, B Ahlgren, J Alonso, A Andersson, P Kreuger
International Workshop on Quality of future Internet Services, 135-144, 2002
Design choices for the IoT in information-centric networks
A Lindgren, FB Abdesslem, B Ahlgren, O Schelén, AM Malik
2016 13th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC …, 2016
The split naming/forwarding network architecture
A Jonsson, M Folke, B Ahlgren
Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop: 01/09/2003-02/09/2003, 2003
Requirements and Challenges for IoT over ICN
Y Zhang, D Raychadhuri, LA Grieco, E Baccelli, J Burke, R Ravindran, ...
IETF Internet-Draft draft-zhang-icnrg-icniot-requirements-00, 2015
Spontnet: Experiences in configuring and securing small ad hoc networks
LM Feeney, B Ahlgren, A Westerlund, A Dunkels
Proceedings 3rd IEEE International Workshop on System-on-Chip for Real-Time …, 2002
Dimensioning links for IP telephony
B Ahlgren, A Andersson, O Hagsand, I Marsh
Swedish Institute of Computer Science, 2000
A Survey of Information-Centric Networking (Draft).
B Ahlgren, C Dannewitz, C Imbrenda, D Kutscher, B Ohlman
Information-Centric Networking, 2010
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Articles 1–20