Inga Glogger-Frey
Inga Glogger-Frey
Other namesInga Glogger
Full Professor, University of Erfurt
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Understanding video as a tool for teacher education: Investigating instructional strategies to promote reflection
G Blomberg, MG Sherin, A Renkl, I Glogger, T Seidel
Instructional Science 42, 443-463, 2014
Teachers' assessment competence: Integrating knowledge-, process-, and product-oriented approaches into a competence-oriented conceptual model
S Herppich, AK Praetorius, N Förster, I Glogger-Frey, K Karst, D Leutner, ...
Teaching and Teacher education 76, 181-193, 2018
The self-regulation-view in writing-to-learn: Using journal writing to optimize cognitive load in self-regulated learning
M Nückles, J Roelle, I Glogger-Frey, J Waldeyer, A Renkl
Educational Psychology Review 32 (4), 1089-1126, 2020
Learning strategies assessed by journal writing: Prediction of learning outcomes by quantity, quality, and combinations of learning strategies.
I Glogger, R Schwonke, L Holzäpfel, M Nückles, A Renkl
Journal of educational psychology 104 (2), 452, 2012
Inventing a solution and studying a worked solution prepare differently for learning from direct instruction
I Glogger-Frey, C Fleischer, L Grüny, J Kappich, A Renkl
Learning and Instruction 39, 72-87, 2015
Learning from direct instruction: Best prepared by several self-regulated or guided invention activities?
I Glogger-Frey, K Gaus, A Renkl
Learning and Instruction 51, 26-35, 2017
Activation of learning strategies in writing learning journals: The specificity of prompts matters
I Glogger, L Holzäpfel, R Schwonke, M Nückles, A Renkl
Zeitschrift für pädagogische Psychologie 23 (2), 95-104, 2009
Future teachers’ knowledge about learning strategies: Misconcepts and knowledge-in-pieces
I Glogger-Frey, Y Ampatziadis, A Ohst, A Renkl
Thinking Skills and Creativity 28, 41-55, 2018
Student teachers' prior knowledge as prerequisite to learn how to assess pupils' learning strategies
I Glogger-Frey, M Deutscher, A Renkl
Teaching and Teacher Education 76, 227-241, 2018
Supporting peer feedback on learning strategies: Effects on self-efficacy and feedback quality
A Bürgermeister, I Glogger-Frey, H Saalbach
Psychology Learning & Teaching 20 (3), 383-404, 2021
Ein Arbeitsmodell für die empirische Erforschung der diagnostischen Kompetenz von Lehrkräften
S Herppich, AK Praetorius, A Hetmanek, I Glogger-Frey, S Ufer, D Leutner, ...
Universität Duisburg-Essen, 2017
Helping preservice teachers with inaccurate and fragmentary prior knowledge to acquire conceptual understanding of psychological principles
A Ohst, I Glogger, M Nückles, A Renkl
Psychology Learning & Teaching 14 (1), 5-25, 2015
Development and Evaluation of a Computer‐Based Learning Environment for Teachers: Assessment of Learning Strategies in Learning Journals
I Glogger, L Holzäpfel, J Kappich, R Schwonke, M Nückles, A Renkl
Education Research International 2013 (1), 785065, 2013
Preparing learners with partly incorrect intuitive prior knowledge for learning
A Ohst, BME Fondu, I Glogger, M Nückles, A Renkl
Frontiers in Psychology 5, 664, 2014
Linking teachers' professional knowledge and teachers' actions: Judgment processes, judgments and training.
I Glogger-Frey, S Herppich, T Seidel
Elsevier Science, 2018
Which features make illustrations in multimedia learning interesting?
UIE Magner, I Glogger, A Renkl
Educational Psychology 36 (9), 1596-1613, 2016
Selbstreguliert lernen durch Schreiben von Lerntagebüchern
M Nückles, S Hübner, I Glogger, L Holzäpfel, R Schwonke, A Renkl
Lerntagebuch und Portfolio aus empirischer Sicht, 35-85, 2010
Inventing motivates and prepares student teachers for computer‐based learning
I Glogger‐Frey, J Kappich, R Schwonke, L Holzäpfel, M Nückles, A Renkl
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 31 (6), 546-561, 2015
Formative Diagnostik als Teilaspekt diagnostischer Kompetenz
I Glogger-Frey, S Herppich
Pädagogische Psychologie und Entwicklungspsychologie. Diagnostische …, 2017
Future teachers’ knowledge about learning strategies: Misconcepts and knowledge-in-pieces. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 28, 41–55
I Glogger-Frey, Y Ampatziadis, A Ohst, A Renkl
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Articles 1–20