George D. Deitz
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Cited by
The effects of organizational and personal resources on stress, engagement, and job outcomes
OM Karatepe, U Yavas, E Babakus, GD Deitz
International Journal of Hospitality Management 74, 147-161, 2018
The effect of working relationship quality on salesperson performance and job satisfaction: Adaptive selling behavior in Korean automobile sales representatives
JE Park, GD Deitz
Journal of Business Research 59 (2), 204-213, 2006
Cross-national invariance of the entrepreneurial orientation scale
JD Hansen, GD Deitz, M Tokman, LD Marino, KM Weaver
Journal of Business Venturing 26 (1), 61-78, 2011
Cross-cultural examination of online shopping behavior: A comparison of Norway, Germany, and the United States
R Smith, G Deitz, MB Royne, JD Hansen, M Grünhagen, C Witte
Journal of Business Research 66 (3), 328-335, 2013
Understanding consumer response to sponsorship information: A resource‐matching approach
GD Deitz, SW Myers, MR Stafford
Psychology & Marketing 29 (4), 226-239, 2012
Joint venture stability and cooperation: Direct, indirect and contingent effects of resource complementarity and trust
GD Deitz, M Tokman, RG Richey, RM Morgan
Industrial Marketing Management 39 (5), 862-873, 2010
The effect of cause-related marketing on firm value: a look at Fortune’s most admired all-stars
PJ Woodroof, GD Deitz, KM Howie, RD Evans
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 47, 899-918, 2019
A customer-focused approach to improve celebrity endorser effectiveness
BD Carlson, DT Donavan, GD Deitz, BC Bauer, V Lala
Journal of Business Research 109, 221-235, 2020
The role of internal audit and user training in information security policy compliance
T Stafford, G Deitz, Y Li
Managerial Auditing Journal 33 (4), 410-424, 2018
CS Hunt, JE Mello, GD Deitz
The role of corporate image for quality in the formation of attitudinal service loyalty
S Jha, GD Deitz, E Babakus, U Yavas
Journal of Service Research 16 (2), 155-170, 2013
Eat, drink, and create content: a multi-method exploration of visual social media marketing content
AK Fox, C Nakhata, GD Deitz
International Journal of Advertising 38 (3), 450-470, 2019
Linking supply chain management with mass customization capability
GJ Liu, GD Deitz, M Tokman, LS Beitelspacher
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2011
The face of contagion: Consumer response to service failure depiction in online reviews
AK Fox, GD Deitz, MB Royne, JD Fox
European Journal of Marketing 52 (1/2), 39-65, 2018
An eye-tracking study of attention to brand-identifying content and recall of taboo advertising
SD Myers, GD Deitz, BA Huhmann, S Jha, JH Tatara
Journal of Business Research 111, 176-186, 2020
Antecedents and consequences of consumers' comparative value assessments across the relationship life cycle
JD Hansen, LS Beitelspacher, GD Deitz
Journal of Business Research 66 (4), 473-479, 2013
The effects of environmental haptic cues on consumer perceptions of retailer warmth and competence
S Jha, MS Balaji, J Peck, J Oakley, GD Deitz
Journal of Retailing 96 (4), 590-605, 2020
Direct-to-consumer advertising: Exposure, behavior, and policy implications
SD Myers, MB Royne, GD Deitz
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 30 (1), 110-118, 2011
EEG-Based Measures versus Panel Ratings: Predicting Social Media-Based Behavioral Response to Super Bowl Ads
GD Deitz, MB Royne, MC Peasley, J Huang, JT Coleman
Journal of Advertising Research 56 (2), 217-227, 2016
The effects of health consciousness and familiarity with DTCA on perceptions of dietary supplements
MB Royne, AK Fox, GD Deitz, T Gibson
Journal of Consumer Affairs 48 (3), 515-534, 2014
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Articles 1–20