Emily M LaFrance
Emily M LaFrance
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
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Short and long-term effects of cannabis on symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder
EM LaFrance, NC Glodosky, M Bonn-Miller, C Cuttler
Journal of affective disorders 274, 298-304, 2020
Acute effects of high-potency cannabis flower and cannabis concentrates on everyday life memory and decision making
C Cuttler, EM LaFrance, A Stueber
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 13784, 2021
Head in the clouds? Cannabis users' creativity in new venture ideation depends on their entrepreneurial passion and experience
BJ Warnick, AS Kier, EM LaFrance, C Cuttler
Journal of Business Venturing 36 (2), 106088, 2021
A comprehensive examination of the links between cannabis use and motivation
AS Petrucci, EM LaFrance, C Cuttler
Substance use & misuse 55 (7), 1155-1164, 2020
Overbaked: assessing and predicting acute adverse reactions to Cannabis
EM LaFrance, A Stueber, NC Glodosky, D Mauzay, C Cuttler
Journal of cannabis research 2, 1-10, 2020
Inspired by Mary Jane? Mechanisms underlying enhanced creativity in cannabis users
EM LaFrance, C Cuttler
Consciousness and cognition 56, 68-76, 2017
Resist forgetting: Effects of aerobic and resistance exercise on prospective and retrospective memory.
C Cuttler, CP Connolly, EM LaFrance, TM Lowry
Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology 7 (2), 205, 2018
A large-scale naturalistic examination of the acute effects of cannabis on pain
C Cuttler, EM LaFrance, RM Craft
Cannabis and cannabinoid research 7 (1), 93-99, 2022
Acute effects of cannabis on symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder
D Mauzay, EM LaFrance, C Cuttler
Journal of Affective Disorders 279, 158-163, 2021
Cognitive test performance in chronic cannabis flower users, concentrate users, and non-users
C Cuttler, AS Petrucci, EM LaFrance
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 8068, 2023
Acute Effects of High-Potency Cannabis on Everyday Life Cognition
EM LaFrance
Washington State University, 2020
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Articles 1–11