Swarup Kumar Sahoo
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Cited by
Understanding the propagation of hard errors to software and implications for resilient system design
ML Li, P Ramachandran, SK Sahoo, SV Adve, VS Adve, Y Zhou
ACM Sigplan Notices 43 (3), 265-276, 2008
Using likely program invariants to detect hardware errors
SK Sahoo, ML Li, P Ramachandran, SV Adve, VS Adve, Y Zhou
2008 IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks With …, 2008
Using likely invariants for automated software fault localization
SK Sahoo, J Criswell, C Geigle, V Adve
Proceedings of the eighteenth international conference on Architectural …, 2013
An empirical study of reported bugs in server software with implications for automated bug diagnosis
SK Sahoo, J Criswell, V Adve
2010 ACM/IEEE 32nd International Conference on Software Engineering 1, 485-494, 2010
Trace-based microarchitecture-level diagnosis of permanent hardware faults
ML Li, P Ramachandran, SK Sahoo, SV Adve, VS Adve, Y Zhou
2008 IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks With …, 2008
Swat: An error resilient system
ML Li, P Ramachandran, SK Sahoo, SV Adve, VS Adve, Y Zhou
Proceedings of SELSE, 2008
PrivacyProxy: Leveraging Crowdsourcing and In Situ Traffic Analysis to Detect and Mitigate Information Leakage
Gaurav Srivastava, Saksham Chitkara, Kevin Ku, Swarup Kumar Sahoo, Matt ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.06384, 2017
Integrated loop optimizations for data locality enhancement of tensor contraction expressions
SK Sahoo, S Krishnamoorthy, R Panuganti, P Sadayappan
SC'05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, 13-13, 2005
Performance modeling and optimization of parallel out-of-core tensor contractions
X Gao, SK Sahoo, CC Lam, J Ramanujam, Q Lu, G Baumgartner, ...
Proceedings of the tenth ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of …, 2005
Efficient search‐space pruning for integrated fusion and tiling transformations
X Gao, S Krishnamoorthy, SK Sahoo, CC Lam, G Baumgartner, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19 (18), 2425-2443, 2007
Supporting XML based high-level abstractions on HDF5 datasets: A case study in automatic data virtualization
SK Sahoo, G Agrawal
Languages and Compilers for High Performance Computing: 17th International …, 2005
Delay sensitive least frequently used algorithm for replacement in web caches
S Selvakumar, SK Sahoo, V Venkatasubramani
Computer Communications 27 (3), 322-326, 2004
Efficient search-space pruning for integrated fusion and tiling transformations
X Gao, S Krishnamoorthy, SK Sahoo, CC Lam, G Baumgartner, ...
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing: 18th International Workshop …, 2006
Cache miss characterization and data locality optimization for imperfectly nested loops on shared memory multiprocessors
SK Sahoo, R Panuganti, P Sadayappan, P Krishnamoorthy
19th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 10 pp., 2005
How Successful Is Data Structure Analysis in Isolating and Analyzing Linked Data Structures?
PON Meredith, B Pankaj, SK Sahoo, CA Lattner, VS Adve
Compiler techniques for efficient parallelization of out-of-core tensor contractions
X Gao, S Sahoo, Q Lu, G Baumgartner, J Ramanujam, C Lam, ...
Technical Report OSU-CISRC-12/04-TR67, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 2004
Wok: statistical program slicing in production
BA Stoica, SK Sahoo, JR Larus, VS Adve
2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2019
A novel invariants-based approach for automated software fault localization
SK Sahoo
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2012
SWAT-Sim: Accurate Microarchitecture-Level Fault Models
M Li, P Ramachandran, S Sahoo, S Hari, S Adve, V Adve, Y Zhou
Poster, GSRC Annual Symposium 29, 2008
Data-centric transformations on non-integer iteration spaces
SK Sahoo, G Agrawal
14th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation …, 2005
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Articles 1–20